Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small UAV

Jul 8, 2014
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Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

My post vanished! I went to the site and I noticed only 66 people, including myself, signed the petition in a year. Hopefully that isn't the real total.
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

Knuckles, if you haven't been done so already, I welcome you to the forum!
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

PhantomFanatic said:
Knuckles, if you haven't been done so already, I welcome you to the forum!

The petition was just started today Dec. 10th. If the link gets around I'm sure it will grow fairly fast. I've already shared on twitter and facebook :cool:
Every bit helps
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

A nice thought but one which will have absolutely zero effect. It can't, because that is not how the system works. We had an opportunity to comment on the FAA's interpretation for model aircraft operations and there will be a long comment period for the coming sUAS Rule NPRM. That is where and how we will be heard and it is the only real way we, or anyone, can influence the FAA on this. Plus, we are so close to getting the NPRM published that doing anything to upset the apple cart at this point will only serve to delay things even more than they already are.
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

SilentAV8R said:
A nice thought but one which will have absolutely zero effect. It can't, because that is not how the system works. We had an opportunity to comment on the FAA's interpretation for model aircraft operations and there will be a long comment period for the coming sUAS Rule NPRM. That is where and how we will be heard and it is the only real way we, or anyone, can influence the FAA on this. Plus, we are so close to getting the NPRM published that doing anything to upset the apple cart at this point will only serve to delay things even more than they already are.
The comment period is typically 60- to 90-days. I hope people are preparing their response now.

Here are some tips on responding.
Above all, be honest, fair and considerate of others who may disagree with you. Try to not make any personal attacks on the process or the FAA.

Start with who you are and any memberships or associations you have that would further validate your standing. Not that you need standing in the legal sense, but it does add a bit of credibility to your response. Tell them how this rule impacts you or the community:
I am a member of, owner of... My primary concern is for safety, blah, blah, whatever your priorities are.

If you are a member or associated with an organization or someone who has also commented, refer to them:
In general, I support comments filed by [whatever group]. Additionally, I have the following comments about the proposed rules:
I suggest blah, blah - then explain why.

It appears the proposed rule regarding blah, blah - be specific about what you object to and why.

The FAA should modify the proposed notice requirement in [paragraph number] to permit blah, blah - offer real suggestions if you find a paragraph that needs changing or clarification.

If something is unclear, remake your point. – The final rule should be modified to make clear [whatever is unclear]

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Also, send a copy to your congressperson. You would be surprised how much this would help. Especially if the FAA decides to ignore most responses and you want your congresscritter to intervene.
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

The rules that your country has for hobbyists, are the same rules (more likely) that we have in denmark for a maximum of 50 people with dispensation (special allowance) for piloting a drone. It cost alot of work and alot of money to get the dispensation.
Only companies with CVR can get it. You need pay insurance and for renewal of dispensation every year.

No hobbyist may fly drones/planes, only on own land with 200 meters to others and on allowed hobbyplaces.

The rules for your hobbyists are way to easy.
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

signed, also got 5 others to sign as well.
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

SteveMann said:
The comment period is typically 60- to 90-days. I hope people are preparing their response now.

Good tips. I have also heard that the FAA expects to receive a record number of responses, which they are legally obligated to review, categorize and respond to (by category, not to each individual comment). People in the know are saying that the comment period will be at least 90 days, if not longer. If FAA gets the NPRM out this month as it is rumored to be, it is thought that the final Rule may not be effective until sometime in 2016. Some are even taking bets that it will be 2017!! :shock:

Until then it looks like Section 333 will be the only avenue open to people to "legally" do commercial UAV flying, at least in the eyes of the FAA.
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

knuckles said:
PhantomFanatic said:
Knuckles, if you haven't been done so already, I welcome you to the forum!

The petition was just started today Dec. 10th. If the link gets around I'm sure it will grow fairly fast. I've already shared on twitter and facebook :cool:
Every bit helps

I apparently thought it was a year old. Thanks.
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

SilentAV8R said:
Until then it looks like Section 333 will be the only avenue open to people to "legally" do commercial UAV flying, at least in the eyes of the FAA.
In the 12/10 congressional hearing the FAA was criticized for their glacial processing of the Section 333 exemption requests that have been filed. One congressman asked, "Is legislation needed to speed things up?", which inside the belt is the closest thing to a threat that you can get.

The only Section 333 exemptions processed are for extremely limited, sterile boxes below 300 ft over property that the operator controls (the movie set, for example) with a licensed pilot flying the drone and an observer watching for other aircraft.
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

Signed as well. But seems like it'll be tough to get to 100,000 in just a few more weeks. :\
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

In my opinion that is one pathetic excuse of a petition.
It should stress the importance of the fact that the FAA has no authority over RCMA.
That the FAA is attempting to assert authority in an area where it has no legal jurisdiction.
Until then, the FAA must comply with the law as it is written. The FAA can not create law.

Good idea, but pointless as is.
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

Probably more effective to make intelligent comments during the comment period and possibly write your congressman. I think everyone agrees the FAA is dragging their feet and moving at a snail's pace.

Others have brought up the point before but what is the risk to safety of anyone if as a hobbyist I fly my quad with a camera legally then I sell a photo it becomes illegal. This doesn't make sense to many people.
Re: Petition: Stop the FAA from Discriminating Against Small

Do you expect the rules to be as light as for the hobbyist? Or do you just want equal rules, but with more restrictions, maybe added costs.

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