PC Ground Station - auto-created "test.awm" file

Jul 9, 2014
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There's a file that is auto-magically created in the PC Ground Station directory where mission files are saved called "test.awm". I think it's odd because it has 7 way-points in China ranging from 100 to 200 meters, it is self-generated during the launch of the application, and you can delete it but it is regenerated every time the app is launched.

My default GS save directory is "C:\Program Files (x86)\DJI Product\Ground Station 4.0.10\GsData\Mission". All of my saved missions are in this directory. For the purposes of a fact-finding and with the application closed, I moved all the mission files to a different directory so that nothing was left therein. I relaunched the application and sure enough, a new "test.awm" file was created. Interesting. I closed the application, cleared the directory again (Select All, Shift-DEL), and relaunched the GS app. Same results.

I'm all about and in favor of an application doing some sort of self-check, but when I opened the test.awm file with Notepad (or any text editor) I found some interesting LAT/LON coordinates. If you look up those coordinates via a tool (I used http://www.latlong.net/Show-Latitude-Longitude.html) you will find they are in/around "Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 518054". I caught myself thinking, "I hope my Phantom doesn't default and want to fly to China at some point."

I have three thoughts:
1) This was a program developed in China, and they needed something to use for an application self-check upon launch. I.e., no big deal.
2) 10% of my thoughts are centered around the idea that there are 7 way-points...not 2...which would seem to be all that is necessary for a self-test of the app. Why 7?
3) I have no additional insight into the implications of how this file (and its related way-points) affect missions we create, upload, and execute - especially if something were to go "wrong" at any point after hitting "Go". A cause of [insert a small percentage] fly-away's, perhaps?
4) Why couldn't the app just use the last "Home" position it knows about and setup a mock mission using that LAT/LON data - where it would default to using the China-based LAT/LON if no "Home" point was found?

If anyone is inclined, I have a few questions:
- Do you get the same file auto-generated upon launching PC GS?
- When using PC GS - and in your own experiences - have you ever had a random/unexplainable fly-away?
- What are your thoughts on these LAT/LON coordinates?

For now, I'll continue to keep my fingers close to the S1 switch should I need to abort a mission. And for what it's worth, the automatically generated test.awm file on my computer w/PC GS always contains the following (bold emphasis added):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>
<Mission MissionTimeLmt="65535" IsPatrol="Continuous" StartWayPointIndex="0" VerticalSpeedLimit="2">
<WayPoint id="0">

<WayPoint id="1">

<WayPoint id="2">

<WayPoint id="3">

<WayPoint id="4">

<WayPoint id="5">

<WayPoint id="6">

<WayPoint id="7">

isky172 said:
If anyone is inclined, I have a few questions:
- Do you get the same file auto-generated upon launching PC GS?
- When using PC GS - and in your own experiences - have you ever had a random/unexplainable fly-away?
- What are your thoughts on these LAT/LON coordinates?
Hello isky172,
. Sure enough, when I deleted the test.awm and started the program again, it recreated the test.awm file.

. I personally have never had a fly away in the dozen or so times I have used PC Ground Station. I have had it act a little confused trying to hold it's place in windy conditions. (In which I brought it down immediately.)

. Have no definite clue as to why they would do that but remember none of the awm files are of any concern until one is uploaded to the Phantom. Only then can it be executed.

So I don't think it is anything to worry about.

Calm winds,

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