New Owner from Gatwick

Apr 14, 2016
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Morning all!

Thought i'd do a brief introduction before I start spamming the boards :)

Picked up a Phantom 4 the other day and absolutely loving it. I'm still getting to grips with some of the features, but absolutely loving the ActiveTrack function. Sadly there's not enough time in the evenings currently to get any decent shots. Sadly I live right under Gatwicks flightpath, so any flight I do requires a bit of a drive out.

I do a fair number road trips with fellow Lotus owners, and will be using the drone primarily for weekend trips - infact one coming up in Wales this weekend! Sadly, the curse of creativity - plenty of 'what I want' images in my head, but I know it'll take me a while to get skilled enough to get some good shots.

Being a PPL holder, i've got air law and meteorology passes under my belt already - along with the rest of the exams. But truth be told, the possibilities really are exciting! That said, I definitely do feel that much more confident knowing where/when I can fly. I would definitely recommend folks pick up the books for a read. Worst case, it'll mean you can predict the local weather better than the chap on the TV 9 times out of 10. :D

Hopefully ill post some images up next week of my inaugural Wales trip, with 20+ Lotuses driving *spiritedly* through the countryside.

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