Misinformation on the radio

Mar 18, 2014
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Silicon Valley, California
Today I caught a few minutes of a radio talk show in San Francisco about "drones". The host, Ron Owens, was pretty well-informed and non-doctrinaire, but his callers were so full of misinformation about them it was incredible. One caller said anyone who flies a drone with a camera on it can record every word you say in the privacy of your own home. Another one said it's illegal to take pictures of your neighbor sunbathing in the back yard from your own yard. The first suggestion is ludicrous and the second, while it may be creepy to photograph your neighbor, is not accurate either.
think about how dumb the average person is, then realize that half of people are dumber than that.

my first argument when people whine about privacy is: how is it any different getting a massive zoom lens that can take pictures from half a mile away? do you want to ban all zoom camera lenses? I could mount a camera on a stick and use it to take pictures over a wall or across a balcony. Should we ban all sticks?

the technology isn't the problem, it's how it's used that's legal or not.
QYV said:
think about how dumb the average person is, then realize that half of people are dumber than that.

Ah, George Carlin. He really was a brilliant man.
T0Rtur3 said:
QYV said:
think about how dumb the average person is, then realize that half of people are dumber than that.

Ah, George Carlin. He really was a brilliant man.

indeed, and sorely missed :)
I had a woman walk up to me in the park where I do some flying and testing because it is real close to me. She told me in no uncertain terms that "Flying that thing is illegal here", I asked her where she got that idea, and what law was she referring to. Of course she could not answer, she mentioned something about taking photo's of people, so I got out my cell phone and took her picture, then asked if that was against the law to. I informed her that there were no current laws on the books prohibiting my use of the copter in the park. She answered in a very snippy way "What are you, a cop or something" to which I answered "Why yes, I am" and she walked away. I swear, some people just have to complain and bi*ch no matter what it is about. My city has absolutely no ordnance with reference to flying a 'drone' in that park, it is used for model RC A/C all the time as long as no organized sports are in progress.
QYV said:
think about how dumb the average person is, then realize that half of people are dumber than that.

Then be amazed that our world as we know it hasn't imploded yet considering the dumb outnumber the smart.

Common sense isn't so common

F6Rider said:
"What are you, a cop or something" to which I answered "Why yes, I am" and she walked away.

Could you back up that statement? Either way lulz! :)
T0Rtur3 said:
QYV said:
think about how dumb the average person is, then realize that half of people are dumber than that.

Ah, George Carlin. He really was a brilliant man.

But, he didn't know the difference between and mean and median. :)

-- Roger
jadebox said:
T0Rtur3 said:
QYV said:
think about how dumb the average person is, then realize that half of people are dumber than that.

Ah, George Carlin. He really was a brilliant man.

But, he didn't know the difference between and mean and median. :)

-- Roger

The punchline wouldn't work quite as well if he used the term "mean". I'm sure he knew the difference, but he's a comedian :)
jadebox said:
T0Rtur3 said:
QYV said:
think about how dumb the average person is, then realize that half of people are dumber than that.

Ah, George Carlin. He really was a brilliant man.

But, he didn't know the difference between and mean and median. :)

-- Roger

Median would have been the strictly correct term in that context, but average is actually used to refer to all of mean, median and mode. And, of course, if IQ happens to be a symmetric distribution...
Median would have been the strictly correct term in that context, but average is actually used to refer to all of mean, median and mode. And, of course, if IQ happens to be a symmetric distribution...

It almost is, but Carlin was confusing mean and median, or counting on the common confusion of average and median, for the joke to work.

Anyway, I was just being silly by pointing that out - intentionally pedantic. I think the joke would lose a little of its punch if he began the with "because of the symmetrical distribution of IQ scores ...." Then ended with "Though 95% of all people score within two standard deviations of 100 on IQ tests." :)

-- Roger
F6Rider said:
I had a woman walk up to me in the park where I do some flying and testing because it is real close to me. She told me in no uncertain terms that "Flying that thing is illegal here", I asked her where she got that idea, and what law was she referring to. Of course she could not answer, she mentioned something about taking photo's of people, so I got out my cell phone and took her picture, then asked if that was against the law to. I informed her that there were no current laws on the books prohibiting my use of the copter in the park. She answered in a very snippy way "What are you, a cop or something" to which I answered "Why yes, I am" and she walked away. I swear, some people just have to complain and bi*ch no matter what it is about. My city has absolutely no ordnance with reference to flying a 'drone' in that park, it is used for model RC A/C all the time as long as no organized sports are in progress.

I couldn't agree more.

PROBLEM: It is because of people like this woman (in this case) why dumb, restrictive laws come to fruition in general. Collective cries based on fear and ignorance tend to fuel our legislators and then - Poof! - flying RC copters in urban areas will be regarded invasive and malicious, like peeping toms, etc.

I believe that some of our law makers are chomping at the bit to heavily restrict there use. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they view quads as something that belongs in the governments hands... not the citizens.

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