Magens Bay, St. Thomas

Feb 11, 2014
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Going through a lot of footage from a recent family vacation. Just a short one. No post processing. I'll be putting together a video for the family which will include some of these shots.

Had a lot of interesting encounters with this over the week. TSA at the airport, curious onlookers and even an offer to shoot for money.

Also my first flight at the timeshare we stayed at . . . about 5 minutes into my flight, I see a "kid" (he was about 20 something) with a curiously familiar, black case, looking around the sky to see where the quad noise was coming from. After spotting it and me, he takes his P1 out, holds it up and shows me.
poostik said:
Going through a lot of footage from a recent family vacation. Just a short one. No post processing. I'll be putting together a video for the family which will include some of these shots.

Had a lot of interesting encounters with this over the week. TSA at the airport, curious onlookers and even an offer to shoot for money.

Also my first flight at the timeshare we stayed at . . . about 5 minutes into my flight, I see a "kid" (he was about 20 something) with a curiously familiar, black case, looking around the sky to see where the quad noise was coming from. After spotting it and me, he takes his P1 out, holds it up and shows me.

Gorgeous location!

P.S - A kid is not someone who is twenty-something, "old man" ;)
nintendrone64 said:
P.S - A kid is not someone who is twenty-something, "old man" ;)

some of the other old men around here will back me up and agree that 20something is a kid :D
you little whipper snapper

<----- 41
I thought anyone with one of these quads is by definition a kid. I know I am and I am 55 :roll: These things were made for capturing holidays, I can't wait to take mine on a decent trip.
20s are kids for sure...however according to my wife I am still one aged 49...[FACE SCREAMING IN FEAR]

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