Luts a Luck

Learning how to use LUTS. Do I color correct before applying or after?
I would suggest you to Correct Color Grading before applying LUTS. Check Below link,
This might be an issue that beginner editors and color graders might've never thought about, especially if they aren't that experienced working with LUTs. However, knowing that the color of your image can change quite a bit based on the order in which you do certain things, like adjusting the brightness or contrast and applying a LUT, can help you not only avoid getting unexpected (and unwanted) results, but also using it to your advantage to actually get the results you've been trying to get but haven't been able to.

Source: Should You Adjust Your Footage's Color Before or After Applying a LUT?
I would suggest you to Correct Color Grading before applying LUTS. Check Below link,
This might be an issue that beginner editors and color graders might've never thought about, especially if they aren't that experienced working with LUTs. However, knowing that the color of your image can change quite a bit based on the order in which you do certain things, like adjusting the brightness or contrast and applying a LUT, can help you not only avoid getting unexpected (and unwanted) results, but also using it to your advantage to actually get the results you've been trying to get but haven't been able to.

Source: Should You Adjust Your Footage's Color Before or After Applying a LUT?
What if it’s a LUT designed to go from dlog to rec.709?
I would suggest you to Correct Color Grading before applying LUTS. Check Below link,
This might be an issue that beginner editors and color graders might've never thought about, especially if they aren't that experienced working with LUTs. However, knowing that the color of your image can change quite a bit based on the order in which you do certain things, like adjusting the brightness or contrast and applying a LUT, can help you not only avoid getting unexpected (and unwanted) results, but also using it to your advantage to actually get the results you've been trying to get but haven't been able to.

Source: Should You Adjust Your Footage's Color Before or After Applying a LUT?

Thanks for responding SkyFall. I'm one of the folks that DOES think about this. Watching your resources.
Ok SkyFall. Understood. Now. What LUTS are being used for our applications? There are so many different kinds of uses and types that a brotha can get confused REAL quick.
What if it’s a LUT designed to go from dlog to rec.709?
I agree your point, but It all depends on the requirement. If from DLOG to rec 709 satisfies, then you may/may not need to do Color Grading. It all depends on the Knowledge too, before or after LUTS is all on the creator. Based on my experience I'm only suggesting.
Ok SkyFall. Understood. Now. What LUTS are being used for our applications? There are so many different kinds of uses and types that a brotha can get confused REAL quick.
Hooooo!!!!!! Thtz the ocean ur asking about... Just you have to follow Trial and error basis.
Ok SkyFall. Understood. Now. What LUTS are being used for our applications? There are so many different kinds of uses and types that a brotha can get confused REAL quick.
Which tool are you using to Color Grade? LUTs works for major Industry Std tools..

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