Litchi stopped suddenly

Dec 7, 2016
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Hi Guys I have searched for this thread but could not find an answer, so sorry if it has been discussed before.
I planned a small mission in litchi just to test it out 4 waypoints at about 40 feet about 200 feet in total round trip, started the P3S loaded the mission Litchi said all was ok and then pressed the go button and off she went , up to height flew to first waypoint and the Litchi said "mission ended" and just hovered, I took over and landed.
Didn't feel confident to try again as I am really new to this, launched DJIGO and plotted the same mission with the bird in the air pressed go and she flew the mission perfectly (well after I had figured out you had to return the bird to the exact beginning spot before DJIGO would start the mission :rolleyes:).
Any ideas?
BTW love this forum could read about everyone's exploits all day but got to get back to work.:)
Can you show a screen shot of the mission and the settings. Maybe the speed was set to zero so it didn't know to move.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots
What firmware are you running on the phantom? I had the same issue with mine while on 1.5.7. I upgraded to the latest (1.7.something I think), and it worked fine after that.

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots
What firmware are you running on the phantom? I had the same issue with mine while on 1.5.7. I upgraded to the latest (1.7.something I think), and it worked fine after that.

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots
I am using the latest firmware 1.7.9, I didn't have any choice with this it asked to update the firmware as soon as I got it out of the box.
Can you show a screen shot of the mission and the settings. Maybe the speed was set to zero so it didn't know to move.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots
I will try and upload the screen shot but I think I have uploaded it to Healthy Drones, I think you could look at it there if I knew how it all workedo_O
There IS an issue involving the DJI SDK that causes Litchi to report "Mission Ended", when in fact, it hasn't. I get this on some flights but I just ignore it (via email exchange with Litchi) and the mission always continues as planned. When I use Litchi, it always goes to the first waypoint and pauses before actually beginning the mission. If you check your settings and all is well, run it again. If you get "Mission Ended" again, do nothing. Wait a few seconds and it should proceed. If it doesn't start in 15-20 seconds, you can abort and land it (it shouldn't take that long to start).
Thanks for the information, Pharm, I used the mission hub to plan the mission it was a very short waypoint mission 4 points about 100 feet apart and return to home. I will try your suggestion and run the mission again hopefully at the week end, it is crap weather here in South Australia just now even though it is meant to be summer it is unseasonably cold and windy.
I love this forum everybody is so quick to give help it makes a Newbie feel really welcome.
...I love this forum everybody is so quick to give help it makes a Newbie feel really welcome.
Go away and quit bothering us! Ha! Just kidding! Welcome to the forum and let us know how the flight goes!

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