can anyone help me please i have just had one of the scaryest moment ever
planed a way point mission around my house done all way points and set cumpouss and rth all good..
it got ti 3rd way point and lost connection panic stations litchi just lost connection so i tryed not to panic waited till it got to the last way point closed litchi down started go got conneceted and brought her down panic over but how the hell did i lose connection how do i find the logs for the flight and get someone to have a look at them....
sorry about spelling lol....
can anyone help me please i have just had one of the scaryest moment ever
planed a way point mission around my house done all way points and set cumpouss and rth all good..
it got ti 3rd way point and lost connection panic stations litchi just lost connection so i tryed not to panic waited till it got to the last way point closed litchi down started go got conneceted and brought her down panic over but how the hell did i lose connection how do i find the logs for the flight and get someone to have a look at them....
sorry about spelling lol....
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