iPhone 6 or Galaxy S5 for use with Phantoms?

Jul 14, 2014
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Any practical difference between iOS vs android from a Phantom point of view? It looks like the P2V+V3 is finally the glitch-free (except those fricking batteries) version of the product I’ve been waiting for. I’ve got a Kindle Fire HD7 I guess I could use (I don’t like the way Amazon makes their customers pawns in their market battle with Google but it was a gift) for FPV but I’d like my phone to be an option too. My iPhone 3GS is getting a little long in the tooth – and won’t run the latest iOS – so I’m looking to buy something current to replace it. Although the iPhone 5 is still available, I don’t see the point in buying something new that isn’t the current generation so that means a 6 (6+ is just too big) if I stay with Apple. Since the phone is my only Apple product, and I don’t see that changing, I’m not invested in their software ecosystem. Android has come a long way since my 3GS was new so I’m considering going that way. From multiple reviews I’ve read it looks like the Samsung Galaxy S5 is comparable to the iPhone 6. At least none of the reviews would pick a definite winner and I see pluses/minuses both ways.

Since it looks like DJI supports the Galaxy/Note devices (although S5 not on the list yet) it seems like the Galaxy would be a safe android choice. Although I’m looking at the P2V+V3 now, I’ve just bought the GoPro Hero 4 Black and might be interested in pairing that with a P2 (as a 2nd phantom) or the dronexpert interchangeable gimbal mod later on. So from the DJI and GoPro points of view, any practical reasons for choosing between the iPhone 6 and Galaxy S5 (or some other android phone)?
Thanks, Geert. Was at the store a little earlier comparing phones. The iphone 5S is really the size I want as a phone per se but using it as a phamtom display would be small. The Galaxy S5 screen is a little bit bigger/better than the iphone 6 and might be my choice as a phantom display but is a little awkward as a phone. Decisions, decisions.....

Do you know if there are significant phantom-related apps that are only available in android-only or ios-only versions that would make me want to choose one over the other?
I use a S5, all works really well. Never had the app crash or any phone/app related issues.
The GF has an ipad mini and I used that for the first time, bigger display was nice I have to admit.

The only app I can think of (besides the DJI app) is "vision utility plus".. it lets you boost the wifi and do data logging, which you can overlay onto your videos.
I'm not sure if that app is available on iphone is it ? If its not available... you can boost wifi yourself without an app (and there probably is an app to do it anyways) but I'm not sure if there is an app for the data logging on iphone ? Having the data overlayed on videos certainly makes them way more interesting I reckon.
Thanks, justin. Looks like there is also the "UNOFFICIAL Vision App for Android". A poster in another forum mentioned that he was waiting for DJI to release the Mac version of some new RC Assistant software which was already available for android. If android is leading the way on app development and DJI software deployment schedules then I'd lean toward the S5.
If you have the money... I'd get ipad mini for the display, and samsung for some apps.

You can only connect to the DJI App once... but you can connect as many devices to the wifi at the same time as you want.. So for e.g, if you wanted data logging (via vision utility+ app) you could connect the samsung to the wifi and enable data logging and at the same time connect the Ipad to wifi and load up the DJI APP for display.

I don't know much about android/iphone development, but I believe its way easier to have an app added to the android play store than it is the iphone app store.. So i'm assuming there would be more android apps coming out..
It was like Christmas today. My Hero 4 arrived and I pulled the trigger on the Galaxy S5. More impressed with the user experience of the S5 than the H4B so far. I got the H4B for its better recording specs than the H4S and understood that only the H4S has the viewscreen but the reality of not being able to frame a shot without running the app is a problem. I guess I'll need to buy the LCD backpack to get that functionality. The HB4 is so tiny that I wouldn't mind the extra size of the backpack to get a better hold on it.

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