iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus / Apple Watch

Apr 18, 2014
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Los Angeles, CA
For all you Apple nerds out there, they just came out with three new products this morning. The iPhone 6/Plus and Apple Watch.

Notable additions this year is two different screen sizes (both being larger than the iPhone 5s), updated everything, and NFC payments.

Preorders on September 12 and Launching September 19.

Keynote: http://www.apple.com/live/2014-sept-event/

iPhone 6 Narrative: http://www.apple.com/iphone-6/films/#video-product
iPhone 6 Ads: http://www.apple.com/iphone-6/films/#health(Yeah, it's Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon)

iPhone 6 Plus Pricing

iPhone 6 Pricing


Coming soon in 2015... at that price range I'm kinda glad they're giving me time to reload my wallet.

Apple Watch Narrative: http://www.apple.com/watch/films/#film-design



What you guys think of todays release? :lol:
I'm not an Apple fanboi by ANY means.
But I'm finding the Watch to be very tasty. At the very least it's the prettiest looking smart watch out there that I've seen (no real surprise). Do all it's other features live up to the cover? Meh. Txt'ing via morse code doesn't sound like innovation to me... that sounds like a giant leap backward. Siri? Yeah, maybe. The "Digital Crown"? Dunno, I'd have to try to actually use one before I can pass judgement. Proprietary watch bands?? GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! WTF APPLE!!! And notice not one word about battery life. Knowing Apple, they probably put that low on the priority list under things like "make it thin"... meaning it's likely going to be underpowered and only last half-a-day on a charge (which is good for Apple because it means everyone will have to end up having to buy MagChargers for their bedside table at home, their desk at work, their car... weeee... more forced profit in accessories, just to get the functionality you thought you were paying for in the first place). Plus... speaking of forced profit... I wouldn't be willing to shell out for an iPhone, in addition to the $350 for the watch, just to get the full set of all those new Watch features.

The new ApplePay e-wallet feature looks like it could be a winner, though. Judging by all the backers that Apple got on board for it. And I'm definitely looking for a replacement for this antiquated credit card system we have in place now. Seems like ApplePay could drag us into the 21st century in that respect. The functionality isn't terribly innovative... but the fact that it's likely to be widely accepted almost instantly gives me hope.

Both the new iPhones? Kind of more meh, for me. Really don't need a new phone every 9 months, thanks.
I could never restrict myself so much to use an iPhone. I can't understand how they get away with controling and restricting their devices and their customers. I laugh at the idea of any smart watches. Are people too lazy to take their phone from their pocket to check a message?
I've had iPhones since the 3g. I stick with them now because I'm too lazy to learn how to use a new one. I'm pretty good with an iPhone. The 6 plus looks too big for me, I'll look at the 6 next year when the prices drop when the 6S comes out.

And you know that S stands for sucker, right? :lol: :lol:

Not even remotely interested in the watch. It's too small for me and I haven't worn a watch in over 15 years.
Been an iPhone user since 3G. The only reason why I haven't switched to Android is because of all the apps/songs purchased through iTunes and my iPhone Unlimited Data is still grandfathered with AT&T.

I've played around with Android phones though (since everyone wants to "convert" me over), but I still preferred my iPhone for sentimental reasons. :lol:

But yeah, I'm on the fence on getting the iPhone 6 plus. After watching the first hands-on videos, that phone is HUGE. I take a ton of photos from my phone so I really liked the offerings on the iP6+, but I'm really not liking the large screen size mainly because of nosy people around me. But I think I'll take the plunge for 2-years under contract to see if a large phone works for me since I've never done it before.

The watch so far seems questionable. One being the price tag (but with all the tech squeezed inside, it seems reasonable) and two for battery life. Battery life was not mentioned at all, but was I think hinted during the keynote that it'll require a charge every night. I hope Apple tweaks it out by the time they release it. But anyways, I don't know if am I fan of the smart watch since I own a Pebble but I hardly wear it.. I don't really wear any jewelry, lol. I'm really on the fence about it because I think it'll be cool if I was able to monitor my health (as much as the ads works) but I think it'll end up as another dust-collector in a month or so after wearing it. But yeah.. I'm totally weirded out with all the negative reviews about the apple watch. Yesterday it seemed like everyone was totally rooting for a watch and today everyone is like saying "epic fail" and whatnot.

And oh man... the keynote.. did any of you guys watch it until the end after U2 played? It was really awkward.. Seriously.. watch it.. I'm all like, how do you get rid of the dude in public without embarrassing yourself? Not sure if it was intentional or not, but it was poorly rehearsed IMO.


The beginning of the keynote was quite a fail as well since it kept dropping signal, some other video keeps playing, and there was a Chinese translator at one point that made me think I was watching some kind of dub.

I think Tim Cook had to take an Advil today. :lol:
I actually watched the entire keynote when I got home from work that day. You learn a lot by watching it. I like the watch but I'll definitely be getting the 6plus when I can.
Android here.
It was interesting to see on "Today" that there were four million pre-orders in the first 24 hours. Must be someone out there that likes them.
I'm a fan of Apple and I've had no other phone since the original iphone in 2007.

I do want the 6 plus, but at the same time I feel like Apple really isnt innovating anymore. I'm kinda disappointed in the camera being almost identical to the one in the 5s. I also believe the phone anorexia mentality is getting out of hand. Why sacrifice 1-1.5mm in thickness when that same width could be used to have much stronger battery life? Even the camera PROTRUDES from the chassis.

That said, I still want it. I just think they make kinda silly tradeoffs. I also feel the design is a step in the wrong direction. Its kinda iphone 3g-ish. Oh well.

Did you guys watch Office Space? Do you remember the minimum pieces of flare? Thats Apple in my eyes right now. Min.15 pieces of flair!


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