Inspire1 Copters Crashing-DJI Admits Bug

Feb 1, 2014
Reaction score
Indy, USA
Inspire1 Pilots have been watching their copters crash into their houses, near by parked cars, ect. And it appears it is all due to a bug in the IMU firmware, stated by DJI. They give settings that are needed to keep it under control until they can get a current update in place. Good to see DJI handle this more properly then they have been known to in the past.

This same type of event can take place for the recent V3 issues we all are aware of, but it will take documented video with each case to help show the issues as we know they happened. The more pilots that invest a little time into doing this the better the chances will be that a proper resolution will be put in place.
Thanks for posting flyNfrank
Oops, brings back memory, when Phantom 1 came out, people were reporting propeller coming off during the flight.
Sadly it happened to me. This is another reason I am not rushing in to get Inspire yet.
Let them fix the bugs first.
Yea, it is sounding like the Inspire Beta group. Sorry it is happening, but I'm sure the company and others knew of a few of these issues prior to release. Blows my mind that these users are being told to calibrate a RTF product.

I saw a video showing slow motion for a given arm. The motor arm was oscillating, I could only imagine how this effects the video output. I think the retractable arm design is a mechanical flaw, I see mechanical fatigue in its future.

If I do another DJI product it would be a minimum of a S900. Very few, if any, user's review this model. So I can't be sure. I like the frame itself, but everything else I'd have to question.
Hey Frank

Glad to hear / see you back on the forums and hopefully feeling much better!!

I hate how this forum branched away and made another forum for the inspire.. I understand why they did it and all, this forum is for Phantoms... but its annoying we need to go on another forum to see stuff about the inspire.... Not a huge effort to go to another URL, but just annoying is all :]
justin00 said:
Hey Frank

Glad to hear / see you back on the forums and hopefully feeling much better!!

I hate how this forum branched away and made another forum for the inspire.. I understand why they did it and all, this forum is for Phantoms... but its annoying we need to go on another forum to see stuff about the inspire.... Not a huge effort to go to another URL, but just annoying is all :]

I'm not out of the woods just yet, but thanks for the kind words. I posted this thread to show how us Vision Plus owner's might go about getting some recognition when we also have such obvious problems with our quads. Like the motor & ecu issue that DJI should take of.

But now this thread was moved, I'm not so sure it will get that exposure.
Not sure what the matter is Frank, but get well soon! :)

I think part of the reason DJI is doing more, is because they really don't want to have to give back £2750 to anyone, lol.
I've got a solution for DJI. For all the first release units, call them beta, give back the purchase price to the owners and let them fly the beast for 6 months. That would be better marketing rather than allow people to pay to be beta testers... And you'll have a better sense for what needs re-engineering.

The media is already picking up on the story...not long they'll be roasting the meat off of DJI. From darling to dud, faster than you can take off and slam into a garage...
I've had a rough battle with bronchitis in which I hope to be over with in the next day or two. Thanks to you pilots that flew in with the get well words!

There has been roughly 50+, Vision + and Vision + V3 owners that has had our quads drop out of the sky. We discovered DJI had us install V3 motors with the wrong ESC's, and also DJI shipped new V3's with wrong ESC's to match the motors.

How does that many have such a thing happen and then not get reached out to. I heard a group of these guys were going to approach DJI at the CES, and if they responded in any way that they didn't know anything about it, this group said they were going to share their experiences with other r/c manufacturers at the show to see how they would handle such issues.
flyNfrank said:
I've had a rough battle with bronchitis in which I hope to be over with in the next day or two. Thanks to you pilots that flew in with the get well words!

There has been roughly 50+, Vision + and Vision + V3 owners that has had our quads drop out of the sky. We discovered DJI had us install V3 motors with the wrong ESC's, and also DJI shipped new V3's with wrong ESC's to match the motors.

How does that many have such a thing happen and then not get reached out to. I heard a group of these guys were going to approach DJI at the CES, and if they responded in any way that they didn't know anything about it, this group said they were going to share their experiences with other r/c manufacturers at the show to see how they would handle such issues.
I can tell you this. My V3 which may/or may not have then new motors (unmarked, can't tell) definitely did not have 2.1's went back to DJI. It has now been 'ingested' into their system. Email says 3-4 weeks just to analyze the problem...and so I wait...droneless
I didn't realize that they released the Inpire 1, but because of missing the first release date, I figured they would release it with bugs. It is easy to say that as I couldn't have afforded it. I hope a firmware update will make it the drone that they promised.

Fly always with Phantoms and fly away with the Inspire 1. It makes one wonder if there is a deeper problem. As with any business, they will focus on their newest consumer release, first.

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