Info: K index now 5

24/7 display is not a problem. The latest download (v 1.3) shows the same symptoms as yesterday. Maybe it's my older Android phone or this is a beta version.
beeline said:
24/7 display is not a problem. The latest download (v 1.3) shows the same symptoms as yesterday. Maybe it's my older Android phone or this is a beta version.
Strange. It's not buzzing here, but will have a look at it this weekend (need to fix some other small things in the app)

Sorry for any inconveniences caused.
Oh, no inconvenience and I appreciate your help.

I am running gingerbread on my device which of course is quite old. Vibration occurs every time the app phones home for an update, whether it changes or not.

Sweet, saw it change from 3 to 2! Have fun flying this weekend, boys. And may the K-index be ever in your favor.
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