How to show flight logs, but maintain privacy?

Jul 11, 2016
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So, I have my flight logs automatically sent to healthydrones. I would like to post some logs on here but I really don't want to pinpoint my house and where I fly for the entire internet to see. Is there anything I can do for this?
Is this a joke? Buy a gun.

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
Why would it be a joke? I'm not sure when everyone became so comfortable posting private information online. Back when the internet started the anonymous nature of the internet was part of its allure. I guess I have tried to keep with that methodology. Essentially, if I post my flight logs on here, google caches my post, any joe schmoe on the internet can read what I write and have a direct tie to my house through my flight logs. No, its not a joke.

Just think, while you're posting beautiful drone videos while on vacation, someone can go through your previous posts, find your flight logs, decipher where your house is, load up google maps and see that you live in a remote area, up on a dark hill, in a nice house with a boat in the yard, maybe some vintage cars.... Hell, most people list the valuable things they own in their post signature even. But, thank you both for your valuable comments.
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As a 30+ year veteran software developer, I couldn't agree with you more. Facebook? I don't get it. Social media in general? Not me. I have my own server on 1and1 that I keep stuff I want to share with friends. It costs me $10 a month. I host my own private web site. You want to see my stuff, you go through me first. Not that it's unhackable, but I can't imagine what benefit anyone would derive from hacking it in the first place. Setting up your own private cloud is easy and cheap.
mdh2861, click the green share link at the top, choose which data you'd like to share, and then click the "Create a unique sharing link" button at the bottom to create a link to share with other people.

Brilliant, thanks!

Actually.. for privacy, you'd need to select the "Map Type" option and set it to Static Satellite map.
However, even then, if someone is enterprising enough, they can still locate you off of that.

Truth is... if you really care that much about privacy, you can't share any flights that are over/around your home at all.
Actually.. for privacy, you'd need to select the "Map Type" option and set it to Static Satellite map.
Ideally, you would deselect all of the map options.

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