Has anyone used Drone Base?

I posted this question in another thread but anyway, how do you know if a pano mission hasn't already been done by someone else? I realize that there are multiple avenues to sell the photos for db, but I would think the chances of getting paid are much lower if a mission has already been completed and paid out to another pilot. So, is there a way to know this when considering a mission? And if adding a mission reserves it specifically for you, what's stopping someone from monopolizing every mission in an area for themselves? I have two missions added but because of the weather I haven't flown them this week yet. I can hold them indefinitely? Another pilot in my town can add every local mission and wipe out the offerings indefinitely?

A mission is completed once the submit button is hit. Even if someone has a mission added to their dashboard, it is still available on your map, to put on your dashboard. The first one to upload and submit is the one who will have the chance to get payed for the assets. If you shoot a property and come home to upload only to find out some else beat you, contact Nick at DB and he will handle it. For the record, it hasn't happen yet:)
Drone Base pilots - would you post the Drone Base typical recommended settings for Litchi IOS pano shots? I have started with P4 pano shots (and processing), would like a good starting base settings. I'm having trouble with the processing. Thanks!

Rows: 2
Top angle: 0
Photos per row: 12
Width: 360
Nadirs: 1
Row by row
Wait time: 0

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots
I'm going to shoot my first one tomorrow. I have noticed something in my area: you MUST check the locations using a chart to make sure they are clear to shoot without waivers, or arrest by the Secret Service. There are dozens of locations in my area within the inner ring of Class B airspace, with one property at the end of the runway of one of the busiest airports in the nation. In addition there are properties just blocks from the White House. I would think a simple filter would prevent those from showing on the Dronebase map.
Woke up this morning and found two new listings within walking distance of my house. Walked to them and flew my pano missions. Uploaded to DroneBase and they looked great. Payment status says "due". Crossing my fingers. Going to shoot three commercial properties tomorrow. There must be thirty opportunities in a 3 mile radius.
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I'm going to shoot my first one tomorrow. I have noticed something in my area: you MUST check the locations using a chart to make sure they are clear to shoot without waivers, or arrest by the Secret Service. There are dozens of locations in my area within the inner ring of Class B airspace, with one property at the end of the runway of one of the busiest airports in the nation. In addition there are properties just blocks from the White House. I would think a simple filter would prevent those from showing on the Dronebase map.
There are secret police looking for us doing secret missions? This just got funner 007
There are secret police looking for us doing secret missions? This just got funner 007
No, there is the Secret Service looking to arrest people flying in the vicinity of the White House and inside the Washington DC NFZ. Nothing fun about that.
i did two pano jobs this afternoon. They were close to other and on the same road. Took about 20 min to setup and get the pics.
Now to wait and see if they sell
I shot 2 of the properties rated at 10 today..... They are uploaded and submitted.

After, I shot 3 properties (high rise apartments) in one flight! That was a record breaker.
New to phantom pilots, but have been following this thread for a bit. Recently signed up on drone base and have done 6 panos in he last week. Just got paid $19 for my first one. Lol. Anyway, I just completed my first commercial rated at a 10, so I'm curious to see how it will do. The property wasn't even listed for sale and was a dental office. Oh well. Thanks for all the input for this business! It has been very educational reading your posts!
One more thing, I downloaded drone pan to use with my P3S and that program sucks!! I've been doing everything manually and tried to use drone pan for the first time yesterday. Once I hit the settings button, I can't get back to the main screen!! Also, it will not select only two rows. I have to do three. I chucked it and went back to manual. I haven't tried litchi but I've read too many negative reviews to spend $23 on it. Maybe after I start getting paid more from drone base I'll invest in the app.
I did 4 pano's last weekend, so far none have sold. One of them was an empty lot. I did do 3 client missions for a total of $500 in the last month. That paid for my used P3P I got. I just signed up with Droner.io, they don't seem to be doing to much, time will tell. I finally figured out how to do my own pano's and put them on face book. It is a bit of a process.
I did 4 pano's last weekend, so far none have sold. One of them was an empty lot. I did do 3 client missions for a total of $500 in the last month. That paid for my used P3P I got. I just signed up with Droner.io, they don't seem to be doing to much, time will tell. I finally figured out how to do my own pano's and put them on face book. It is a bit of a process.
What program do you use to stitch your own panos?
In two weeks I shot 7 panos and got paid for five. Also did a 20 minute client job for $100. I have another client job this week and shot 6 panos this past Friday. Nice pocket change for burning batteries that I would be doing anyway. None of the jobs have been further than three miles from home, except for the upcoming client job.
I use Litchi almost exclusively now for all flying. Works great for the DroneBase pano's.

Like anything on these forums, I think you only see the posts when people have a problem, usually related to not reading the instructions and testing first. The fact that it is so popular and used by so many increases the number of posts.

One more thing, I downloaded drone pan to use with my P3S and that program sucks!! I've been doing everything manually and tried to use drone pan for the first time yesterday. Once I hit the settings button, I can't get back to the main screen!! Also, it will not select only two rows. I have to do three. I chucked it and went back to manual. I haven't tried litchi but I've read too many negative reviews to spend $23 on it. Maybe after I start getting paid more from drone base I'll invest in the app.
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Litchi almost exclusively here as well for both birds, but especially the Dronebase missions. The client jobs I do for them require an orbit of the property and it is so easy to set that up in the field on Litchi.

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