
Nov 26, 2013
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I own a video production company and we will be purchasing the Phantom Vision shortly. I hear that there is a Pro Vision coming out in the spring. My question is, we will be using these for some filming jobs and plan to purchase the 1 now and if it works out well, buy 2-5 more on the spring, perhaps the Pro Vision. When there are 2+ Phantoms of the same model and frequency flying at the same time, how does that work? Do the units "lock" on to your transmitter to isolate you from other pilots? This is all new to me so forgive me if this is a basic question but I have not seen this addressed anywhere on this sight.

wlosciuto said:

I own a video production company and we will be purchasing the Phantom Vision shortly. I hear that there is a Pro Vision coming out in the spring. My question is, we will be using these for some filming jobs and plan to purchase the 1 now and if it works out well, buy 2-5 more on the spring, perhaps the Pro Vision. When there are 2+ Phantoms of the same model and frequency flying at the same time, how does that work? Do the units "lock" on to your transmitter to isolate you from other pilots? This is all new to me so forgive me if this is a basic question but I have not seen this addressed anywhere on this sight.


The answer to your question is yes it should be fine as they use FHSS technology (Frequency-hopping spread spectrum). Read more here:

The concept is pretty technical but in a nutshell they are designed to not get muddled with other 2.4ghz FHSS radio sets. All that said I don't think anyone will guarentee the frequencies won't get in a mix some times so be prepared.

The next thing you need to read up is the legality of what you are planning... very few countries allow the use of a Phantom (or any radio controlled flying device) for commercial purposes/gain. Here in the UK we are lucky in that we can get a license for £1250+ but the FAA in the USA currently just don't allow it period. Sorry if I am stating things you've already researched. If you havn't then please do so carefully to avoid fines.

One last thing... don't waste your money on a vision if you intent to use it for quality. Buy either a Phantom 1.1.1 with Zenmuse or better still a 450 or 550 with Zenmuse Gimbal and NAZA v2 kit (all are currently at a massive discount). Either that or wait for the Pro Vision but I really doubt you will get much beyond what you can with the above mentioned kits.

If you are legally able to use them then 450/550's will save you a fortune as crash repairs will be cheaper, they carry heavier loads and can fly longer due to being able to use 4s batteries.

Hope that helps.
Thanks DeweyAXD,

Yes, we are ware that the FAA does not allow commercial quads for profit. We are limiting our usage to real estate fly overs at this point but have spoken to 2 companies that do bigger projects and so far the FAA is only telling them to stop. No fines or penalties have been issued.

We realize that we are just scratching the surface and have so much to learn. The best part is that we have access to some of the best tech people around and they are all over this.

The quality of the Vision seems decent and we will decide after this one if we need something more elaborate. Distance is not a concern as 99% of our jobs will be under 1,000'. We are looking in to other multi rotors like the Discovery Pro units. We are researching every day and our goal, (FAA permitting) that we are the production house that people come to regarding aerial filming.

Thanks again for your information,

Willie LoSciuto
LoSciuto Productions

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