Forum operations help - Pro Level searching??

Apr 9, 2014
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Anyone know how to search the forums for "C mount" without getting thousands of hits? OK, C mounts are wildly popular for the Hero, but 4,273 hits seems a bit much to have to slog through to get some pertinent info.

I just want to see if anyone has used any C mount lenses on the GoPro. And which ones. And how they worked. You know. Is that asking too much for a forum search engine in the Age of Archie, Gopher and AltaVista? Even the forum's Advanced Search is not so advanced that it can do a string literal. Yeah, it does wild cards. Impressive, but not a real big help in this unusual (apparently) two word query. That **** little space between the "C" and the "m" seems to have stymied it.

Or maybe it's just that I'm addle brained. That's entirely possible.

Thanks in advance (really) for any help and all the anticipated snappy replies which surely will materialize.
TheSearcher said:
Anyone know how to search the forums for "C mount" without getting thousands of hits? OK, C mounts are wildly popular for the Hero, but 4,273 hits seems a bit much to have to slog through to get some pertinent info.

I just want to see if anyone has used any C mount lenses on the GoPro. And which ones. And how they worked. You know. Is that asking too much for a forum search engine in the Age of Archie, Gopher and AltaVista? Even the forum's Advanced Search is not so advanced that it can do a string literal. Yeah, it does wild cards. Impressive, but not a real big help in this unusual (apparently) two word query. That **** little space between the "C" and the "m" seems to have stymied it.

Or maybe it's just that I'm addle brained. That's entirely possible.

Thanks in advance (really) for any help and all the anticipated snappy replies which surely will materialize.

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