Flying over a village or in the mountains?

Oct 4, 2015
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Hi, I just got my Phantom 3 Pro on Monday and due to rain I was only able to fly about half an hour on Monday evening when no rain was and there was another window without rain yesterday afternoon.

So far I'm impressed about how it flies. But I'm still a bit afraid it would crash. This is why I'm searching for other people crash situations to learn from them.

I have a question regarding flying over a village with dense houses that are no higher than 20 to 30 feet. I'm afraid that I would loose the connection with the drone somehow and that Return to Home wouldn't work properly. Anyone with such experience here? Is there anything I should take care about apart from the wires (we have no wires or antennas) and whirlwind (there is no wind now).

I'm also planning to go to the mountains with my Phantom 3. For the beginning no higher than 4500 to 6000 feet. I mean I would bring it to the mountains and then the Phantom would only ascend for no more than a hundred feet. Does this bird fly this high or are there any problems flying in the mountains?

Thank you.
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So far I'm impressed about how it flies. But I'm still a bit afraid it would crash.

I have a question regarding flying over a village with dense houses that are no higher than 20 to 30 feet. I'm afraid that I would loose the connection with the drone somehow and that Return to Home wouldn't work properly. Anyone with such experience here?

I'm also planning to go to the mountains with my Phantom 3. For the beginning no higher than 4500 to 6000 feet. I mean I would bring it to the mountains and then the Phantom would only ascend for no more than a hundred feet. Does this bird fly this high or are there any problems flying in the mountains?
Don't worry.
Go to a large open area and practise flying.
Try out RTH so you know how it works and how to activate and cancel it.
Your Phantom will have no worries at 4500-6000 feet altitude.
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Thank you for your reply.

I did another test flight now. My idea was to fly over the village to the church tower.

But unfortunately there was a group of pigeons sitting on a roof at about halfway. They got scared and started flying around. I also got scared of crashing into one and returned back home immediately as fast as I could. Now I'll go flying somewhere else.
It takes a while to start trusting in your phantom, but it will come with practice and experience. I still get nervous in new situations where I push the limits but I have gotten to the point where I put enough faith it will just fly I can actually concentrate on framing shots and not always looking at the drone. Sometimes if its a sunny day I will turn my back to the craft to see the tablet better. It is like riding a motorcycle, skiing, some point the machine almost becomes part of you and you just let go and do it.
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I'm enjoying this thread immensely. I started with a P1. $480 and a GoPro seemed like a lot of money to be putting at risk in a totally new hobby. When I got my P2V+, the thought of a month's rent flying away or crashing would sometimes give me the shakes, literally.

Every flight is a confidence builder, even the near misses and the RTHs. The crashes, not so much. Welcome to the forum, apprentice! Glad to have you here.
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It takes a while to start trusting in your phantom, but it will come with practice and experience. I still get nervous in new situations where I push the limits but I have gotten to the point where I put enough faith it will just fly I can actually concentrate on framing shots and not always looking at the drone. Sometimes if its a sunny day I will turn my back to the craft to see the tablet better. It is like riding a motorcycle, skiing, some point the machine almost becomes part of you and you just let go and do it.
Sure. You're right. I have to get some mileage now. Maybe it's to early to think about photo/video/graphy right now. I need to get used to flying first.
I'm enjoying this thread immensely. I started with a P1. $480 and a GoPro seemed like a lot of money to be putting at risk in a totally new hobby. When I got my P2V+, the thought of a month's rent flying away or crashing would sometimes give me the shakes, literally.

Every flight is a confidence builder, even the near misses and the RTHs. The crashes, not so much. Welcome to the forum, apprentice! Glad to have you here.
Thank you :)

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