FC40 Cam Questions

Aug 21, 2014
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I've had my Phantom FC40 for about a week now and am really enjoying it but I have a few questions about the included camera.

I've had so many flights where I thought I was recording video found afterwords that I wasn't :(

1) If you start recording using the iOS app and you lose your WiFi connection to the camera when it goes out of range, does your video stop recording? Mine seems to, at least sometimes.
2) Sometimes my video recordings are split into two different files on the camera's SD card - Is it just me? Why does that happen?
3) What kind of battery life are you getting on the camera? Should it be left to charge on the appropriate USB charger or not?
4) I can't seem to get the video recording to start without using iOS app - either that or I'm just not interpreting the lights properly. Any suggestions?


My videos on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... mRCrNsVwPP
That camera IMO is good and bad. For the price, the image quality for video is better than I expected although it's still not outstanding. It is a source of great frustration for me. I bought the FC40 because of the camera and the basic FPV it provides. I should have done my homework prior. I'll be upgrading to a gopro when the 4 comes out. The range isn't as good but I will use my wifi extender and hopefully get the range I need. From what I hear, the 3+ continues to record if wifi is lost to the app.

I have heard mixed reports about it continuing to record after dropping the connection. Like you, mine does not continue most of the time so if I lose it, my video is hosed. I made a road trip and shot some video that should have been the most interesting I have done since I got it but the video dropped only 30 ft from me and for some reason that file was not even on my card. I don't know if the file doesn't close properly or what ever but that has happened several times.

I have never seen the files split on mine. It may be that a file is at the limit for the OS on the camera and it goes into another file to continue. I haven't been able to get mine to record long enough without dropping wifi to find out.

As far as battery life, I haven't timed it but I suspect 45 minutes to an hour. I have run 4 batteries out and it was still going.

It should start recording just by tapping that button but I haven't tried it. I will give it a try tonight if someone else doesn't answer on that one.
I also have mixed feelings on the camera.
In good light I get acceptably detailed clear video, but...the lack of a gimbal or any kind of manual tilt really is a hindrance. Also, the limited FPV range is a minus.
Because of those lack of features I am really torn if I want to add a gimbal and my gopro 2 to the FC40 or just upgrade to a P2V+.

Or. Keep the FC40 camera and mount it to the battery door for FPV and get a kindle fire for the added distance others are getting and add a gimbal with a mobius cam.

I don't want to jijack the thread. Hope this is acceptable.

I have a gopro hd hero (1st one) with no wifi. The video is light years better than the FC40 cam but not as good a a gopro 3+ black. I'm going to try a gopro with my repeater and see how that works. I dont fly long distances. I am happy with line of sight, i just want to frame my photo's and videos.
Ah yes.. I totally agree with above comments. Very frustrating to tell whether it's recording or not. I have found that the safest way (since I can't figure out the light indicator on camera) is to start in the off position. Turn camera on. Wait for a short while. Then very carefully press the record button very firmly. I then carefully install the camera in the holder. And last step.. cross your fingers.

If I'm not careful.. I end up pressing record.. then I'm not sure if I pressed it hard enough.. and then I look at the LED... can't make sense of it... push the button again... now did I stop it? or start it... best is just to turn it off... start over.. pressing firmly on each button to ensure accuracy.. what a frustrating little camera.. unless someone can make sense of the LED flashes??
Keuka said:
I've had my Phantom FC40 for about a week now and am really enjoying it but I have a few questions about the included camera.

I've had so many flights where I thought I was recording video found afterwords that I wasn't :(

1) If you start recording using the iOS app and you lose your WiFi connection to the camera when it goes out of range, does your video stop recording? Mine seems to, at least sometimes.
2) Sometimes my video recordings are split into two different files on the camera's SD card - Is it just me? Why does that happen?
3) What kind of battery life are you getting on the camera? Should it be left to charge on the appropriate USB charger or not?
4) I can't seem to get the video recording to start without using iOS app - either that or I'm just not interpreting the lights properly. Any suggestions?


My videos on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... mRCrNsVwPP

Ooops...I posted on this thread but never answered your questions.
1. I use android instead of IOS app and my video keeps going even after losing connection as far as I can tell.
2. Same here. I think it may be how the sd card is formatted.
3. I use my phone charger to charge the camera. Even with 5 batteries the camera out lasted my flight time.
4. As Mikey pointed out, its best to start with the camera 'off' completely, then follow the steps to turn it on, then press the red record button...and pray. Ive flown thinking I was recording just to get it home and find the camera wasnt correctly on. For sure a weak point of the FC40 cam (that said I 'hate' the Go Pro's user interface just as much)
Thanks for all the responses thus far.

I did some testing last night without using the iOS app and just hitting the record button on the camera. With 3 batteries worth of flying, I ended up with about a dozen ~3 minute video files. I know the SD card can hold bigger files - I've had it record them before... I'm not sure why it's behaving this way. Very frustrating. At least this time it continued to record for all of the flying time.
The last time I formatted the SD card was while it was in the camera, using the iOS app. Is that the "proper" way or should I try formatting externally? The FAT file system format on the SD card should support files up to 2TB in size.
I find the camera to be frustrating as well. In fact, I have sent mine back to DJI for replacement.

I don't do much FPV.

My process is similar to above. I turn the camera on with one press of power button. Immediately after camera power up, and green lights flicker for wifi, I press the record button. The wifi signal will stop flickering and you will see four consistent green flashes. That's the clue that you are recording. Once I am sure it is recording, I place it in its holder and off I go.

The maximum file size for FAT32 format is 4GB. No sure why you are getting split files. Sounds like the camera is stopping the recording, then starting again with a new recording. Look at the time stamp on the files to see if that is the case.

I get one continuous file with length dependent upon my flight time. Your batteries will run out before you reach that 4GB file size. The maximum DRIVE size is 2TB which really only applied to desktop computers. DJI tech support told me not to use anything greater than a 32GB SD card.

Good luck!
Just for fun, I rigged an iPhone 5 to the back of my FC40 for a short flight - I was impressed with how the Phantom compensated for the heavy weight on the back... video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHntLjBkSQU


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hey guys, new to the forum and have had my FC40 for a day! I am in love...does the camera record in sound? My first flight went well, but recorded no sound...looks like a mic is on the camera?

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