Dumb question - Maybe

May 23, 2016
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I have bought a new SD card as I thought may need more room for pics and videos. I have already updated firmware using old SD card, do I need a copy of the firmware on the new SD card for flight or is not needed on the card once the update is done??

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
I don't think it's needed. I switch cards repeatedly and none of them have anything on them other than pics and videos.
I will keep it on the original card but won't download it again on the new SD card

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
What model of Phantom?
K, not sure about how important keeping .bin file on the SD card, I think when a battery or new battery needs firmware, it gets updated when the Phantom is powered on.
Nobody has told me I am wrong. But I mainly post on the P3S world.
I have bought a new SD card as I thought may need more room for pics and videos. I have already updated firmware using old SD card, do I need a copy of the firmware on the new SD card for flight or is not needed on the card once the update is done??
Once you have updated your firmware (and any batteries if the update had something for batteries) it's job is done and you don't need it any more.
If for some strange reason you might, you can always download all versions from DJI.
I admit I am a backup fanatic. That said, when I download firmware updates, I save them (not just for the phantom, for any hardware). I don't trust that the same version will always be available and I absolutely want a copy of what I have installed should I need it. Some manufacturers only keep the most recent versions, some only a few. Its rare that a manufacturer will have ALL past versions.

I don't keep it on the SD card of course. Why waste the space and the boot time. But I do keep it on a NAS at home and sometimes on DropBox.

Just so happens the FW I choose to run, isn't available from DJI any more AFAIK. Surprise huh? So, my backups paid off again. I have a couple new batteries coming tomorrow so I will be dusting off that backup BIN to make sure they match my current batteries.

Space is cheap. Backups are important.
As I said. Mine (the dev one) is not listed. 1.5.0030 is. 1.5.0011 is not.

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