Drones and the FAA

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Aug 27, 2015
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On the news tonight I saw that tomorrow 10/19/2015 the FAA is going to up the ante. To start with possible registration on all "drones" currently owned and expecting up to 750,000 more by the end of the holidays.
For me anyway I am all for it. I think we should be licensed including piloting demonstration and written testing, along with recurrent testing. A good portion of people flying these have absolutely no clue of the potential dangers they create. I see even on this forum of people that fly as high as 1,000 feet and higher. Another thread of someone proud they flew 3 miles away. REALLY???? Video of some flying so close that people have to duck or evade in some way. Along with weekly at least we see of some fool crashing into building or sports arenas. These are the people that are forcing the FAA's hand. These things can BRING DOWN a commercial jet easier than most think.
I am a retired airline captain and I support licensing in a big way.
People need to know how to fly these in every situation, they need to know the systems of these crafts and MOST inportantly the need COMMON SENSE!! The latter is mostly what is lacking.
Of course there will be mechanical issues, even if you are doing everything right. All the more reason to stay in safe surroundings to minimize injury and damage to property.
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Multiple threads already about this in the News section where they belong.
And fact check time ... no-one is flying a Phantom 2 to 10000 feet or higher and coming back safely.
Do the arithmetic:
3048 metres ascent at 6 m/sec = 8.5 mins
3048 metres descent at 2 m/sec = 25.5 mins​
No-one gets a flight time of 34 minutes.
Multiple threads already about this in the News section where they belong.
And fact check time ... no-one is flying a Phantom 2 to 10000 feet or higher and coming back safely.
Do the arithmetic:
3048 metres ascent at 6 m/sec = 8.5 mins
3048 metres descent at 2 m/sec = 25.5 mins​
No-one gets a flight time of 34 minutes.
Sorry typo. 1,000 is what I meant. And it belongs in every section.
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Sorry typo. 1,000 is what I meant. And it belongs in every section.
No, it belongs in "News" and it is already there. This one is in the wrong location.

Be sure and check the search or look at the suggested post at the bottom as you are crafting yours. ;)
And if it's alright with Meta this thread closed! ;)

Please comment further here - BREAKING!!! U.S. Will Require Drones to Be Registered | DJI Phantom Forum

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