DroneBase Client Mission Frustrations

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DRONEBASE /Eagleview is a scam. They promise you will 'start accepting client missions" after first completing hours of online training, field test missions and your Part 107 license number. When complete and "quality check passed", I discovered zero client missions for the entire state of Florida. Answers from "support" were consistently irrelevant, false or evasive.

If you feel that way why don't you quit their website and go out on your own?

Yea, they're a scam - this scam keeps depositing money into my checking account!
DRONEBASE /Eagleview is a scam. They promise you will 'start accepting client missions" after first completing hours of online training, field test missions and your Part 107 license number. When complete and "quality check passed", I discovered zero client missions for the entire state of Florida. Answers from "support" were consistently irrelevant, false or evasive.

It’s not a scam. I’ve done over 50 DroneBase/Eagleview missions. Getting missions all depends on a lot of factors like your location and weather. One poster above said they come in waves and he is right because sometimes I’ll get multiple mission requests in a day for multiple days in a row and then there will be a few days in a row where I get zero requests. These missions are for wind, hail, and other weather related damage so if you live in an area that doesn’t really have those weather issues then you probably won’t see missions.
It’s not a scam. I’ve done over 50 DroneBase/Eagleview missions. Getting missions all depends on a lot of factors like your location and weather. One poster above said they come in waves and he is right because sometimes I’ll get multiple mission requests in a day for multiple days in a row and then there will be a few days in a row where I get zero requests. These missions are for wind, hail, and other weather related damage so if you live in an area that doesn’t really have those weather issues then you probably won’t see missions.
Your answer is not consistent with other DroneBase users...so likely you are DroneBase staff in defensive mode. Just because there are a few missions, doesn't mean they're not using scam tactics. Rushing pilots through hours of specialized training including 70 photos of a test home for the purpose of..."START ACCEPTION CLIENT MISSIONS", is a misleading scam tactic. The FTC-governed advertising statutes assert that even misleading claims are just as illegal as outright false claims. I would have never spent so much time with the DroneBase training just to fly a mission once in awhile. I was mislead into thinking my services were needed immediately. My listed service area is centralized and covers 2/3 of Florida, so availability is not the issue. DroneBase's scam tactics are the issue.
If you feel that way why don't you quit their website and go out on your own?

Yea, they're a scam - this scam keeps depositing money into my checking account!
I did. And I'm doing pretty **** good!
Your answer is not consistent with other DroneBase users...so likely you are DroneBase staff in defensive mode. Just because there are a few missions, doesn't mean they're not using scam tactics. Rushing pilots through hours of specialized training including 70 photos of a test home for the purpose of..."START ACCEPTING CLIENT MISSIONS", is a misleading scam tactic. The FTC-governed advertising statutes assert that even misleading claims are just as illegal as outright false claims. I would have never spent so much time with the DroneBase training just to fly a mission once in awhile. I was mislead into thinking my services were needed immediately. My listed service area is centralized and covers 2/3 of Florida, so availability is not the issue. DroneBase's scam tactics are the issue.
So sorry about your negative experience. Like someone said, there might be a low supply of work and a high volume of pilots in your area but I can honestly tell you that Dronebase is not a scam. They have proven themselves worthy many times over. You’ve already done the test work, you’re on the roster, time to let it go and be patient while searching for additional opportunities because you’re not going to make a living off just Dronebase anyways
If you feel that way why don't you quit their website and go out on your own?

Yea, they're a scam - this scam keeps depositing money into my checking account!
I did quit. And I'm doing far better with 3D mapping. It pays better than just a few pennies you get in your checking account. But keep doing what your're doing. DroneBase needs more fools and losers. hahahahahahahaha!!!
So sorry about your negative experience. Like someone said, there might be a low supply of work and a high volume of pilots in your area but I can honestly tell you that Dronebase is not a scam. They have proven themselves worthy many times over. You’ve already done the test work, you’re on the roster, time to let it go and be patient while searching for additional opportunities because you’re not going to make a living off just Dronebase anyways
WRONG. My listed service area covers 2/3 of the entire state of Florida. Being centrally located; Orlando, Tampa, Gainesville, Jacksonville and the Treasure Coast are all within a 2 hour drive.
I did quit. And I'm doing far better with 3D mapping. It pays better than just a few pennies you get in your checking account. But keep doing what your're doing. DroneBase needs more fools and losers. hahahahahahahaha!!!
WRONG. My listed service area covers 2/3 of the entire state of Florida. Being centrally located; Orlando, Tampa, Gainesville, Jacksonville and the Treasure Coast are all within a 2 hour drive.
....or maybe it’s because you’ve bad mouthed them so much they wouldn’t hire you if you were the last pilot on earth.
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If you feel that way why don't you quit their website and go out on your own?

Yea, they're a scam - this scam keeps depositing money into my checking account!

Your answer doesn't match other DroneBase pilots...so you are clearly DroneBase staff in defensive mode. Just because a few pilots claim a few missions, doesn't mean you're not using scam tactics. Rushing pilots through hours of specialized training including 70 photos of a test home for the purpose of..."TO START ACCEPTING CLIENT MISSIONS", is a scam tactic. The advertising statutes created by the FTC, assert that even MISLEADING claims are just as illegal as outright false claims. I would have never spent so much time and energy with the DroneBase training just to fly a mission once in awhile. I was mislead into thinking my services were needed IMMEDIATELY. My listed service area is centralized and covers 2/3 of Florida, so availability is not the issue. DroneBase's scam tactics are the issue.
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....or maybe it’s because you’ve bad mouthed them so much they wouldn’t hire you if you were the last pilot on earth.

I've already crossed Dronebase off my list. Sorry to steal your thunder.
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Ok gang... let's not make this "personal" one way or the other.
Your answer doesn't match other DroneBase pilots...so you are clearly DroneBase staff in defensive mode. Just because a few pilots claim a few missions, doesn't mean you're not using scam tactics. Rushing pilots through hours of specialized training including 70 photos of a test home for the purpose of..."TO START ACCEPTING CLIENT MISSIONS", is a scam tactic. The advertising statutes created by the FTC, assert that even MISLEADING claims are just as illegal as outright false claims. I would have never spent so much time and energy with the DroneBase training just to fly a mission once in awhile. DroneBase MISLEADS pilots into thinking their services are needed IMMEDIATELY. My listed service area is centralized and covers 2/3 of Florida, so availability is not the issue. DroneBase's scam tactics are the issue.
I haven’t had a mission request in the last 5 days but do you see me complaining and calling it a scam? Like I said the missions are available based on many different factors. Some weeks can be really busy and other weeks not at all. Sometimes there will be a lot of requests in one day, sometimes none at all. The insurance missions are for weather related damage. If there isn’t any bad weather, there won’t be claims for roof damage, and therefore no missions.
I did quit. And I'm doing far better with 3D mapping. It pays better than just a few pennies you get in your checking account. But keep doing what your're doing. DroneBase needs more fools and losers. hahahahahahahaha!!!
Ken, it seems you have an issue with DB - you have not posted one iota of fact to prove anything from your bizarre rants. Since last June I've made close to $5K from DB working part time and at my convenience, this includes doing roof inspections, panos and Getty. Oh and I had a good time doing it! So yea, I'm a fool and loser for having fun!!! I hope the moderators muzzle you because your claims and rants are really irrational.
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