Drone spotted near Phoenix airport.

Thanks for the info silentav8r.
This confirms my point that manned aircraft are under strict guidelines and rules when landing or taking off.
So if I'm a mile away from a major airport, it is highly unlikely that my little bird is going to come close to a big bird.
Because if it did, the big bird pilot is way out of his assigned flight path and could get seriously reprimanded for doing it.

Sometimes I wonder though about some of these so called reports.
If local media isn't even covering the event in any way, did it really happen?
Some journalists invent stories just to have something to say about the subject.
"An anonymous pilot said...". That's so you can't track down the pilot and ask him directly.

As a responsible RCMA pilot, you should at least check maps and see where the runways are pointed so that you're not going to be in their flight path.
That's what I'm wondering too. Especially if the pilot isn't keeping an eye out for small objects. We all know how hard it is to spot a Phantom in the sky if its a couple hundred feet up. All he could see is the (usually) white shell blending in with the surroundings... Plus consider the visual angles the cockpit windows allow him to see when sitting down.
Hard to even imagine.
Yes you can, about 10 seconds before you come very close or hit it.

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