I was looking on the PT2 under Basic and Mounting and was wondering if I was suppose to change the settings for the IMU and compass location or leave them all at 0cm. If I do need to change it I was going with; Compass x 5cm y 6cm z 15cm IMU x 0cm y 0cm z -1cm
I was looking on the PT2 under Basic and Mounting and was wondering if I was suppose to change the settings for the IMU and compass location or leave them all at 0cm. If I do need to change it I was going with; Compass x 5cm y 6cm z 15cm IMU x 0cm y 0cm z -1cm
The advanced IMU MOD calibration should be between 1300 and 1600 and anything higher then that will cause flight problems no matter how how many time you do the compass (dance) calibration.
The advanced IMU MOD calibration should be between 1300 and 1600 and anything higher then that will cause flight problems no matter how how many time you do the compass (dance) calibration.
well just today alone while just sitting in the shop it has been around high 800-low 900 and now its showing 1006.3.
I did go ahead and order a new compass but the upgraded one that is on the P2v+.
I was just testing out my drone on a table strapped down of course and I did notice a few things. 1. it looks like I may have a bad motor on the right rear ( I believe its a CCW). While trying not to push the drone to hard I noticed that it (rear right motor)seemed to really slow down or almost stop for a half second. 2. in doing this test on more than 1 occasion the drone would all of a sudden throttle up hard and I wasnt doing it so I had to shut it down fast.
I was not in GPS nor did I switch anything. This is what it seems to do when Im flying it outdoors but not every time. Could the issue be just a bad motor or do I have a bigger problem? I already did a few advanced calib along with a few compass dances and right now I did change over to Nasa-M mode. But had same issue in PHANTOM mode as well. I will go over my video and see how well it turned out. Then I might post it here and see if you or anybody else can see what I am experiencing and what I can do to solve this issue
well just today alone while just sitting in the shop it has been around high 800-low 900 and now its showing 1006.3.
I did go ahead and order a new compass but the upgraded one that is on the P2v+.
I was just testing out my drone on a table strapped down of course and I did notice a few things. 1. it looks like I may have a bad motor on the right rear ( I believe its a CCW). While trying not to push the drone to hard I noticed that it (rear right motor)seemed to really slow down or almost stop for a half second. 2. in doing this test on more than 1 occasion the drone would all of a sudden throttle up hard and I wasnt doing it so I had to shut it down fast.
I was not in GPS nor did I switch anything. This is what it seems to do when Im flying it outdoors but not every time. Could the issue be just a bad motor or do I have a bigger problem? I already did a few advanced calib along with a few compass dances and right now I did change over to Nasa-M mode. But had same issue in PHANTOM mode as well. I will go over my video and see how well it turned out. Then I might post it here and see if you or anybody else can see what I am experiencing and what I can do to solve this issue
Since you're on a computer why not post a screenshot of the advanced IMU. If the compass MOD is that low i'd say you have a problem.
As I remember you replaced a motor and when I asked about it you had no response or answer to my question regarding the motor so I deleted all my post in that thread.
How to identify the motors since they are not marked is to remove the ccw props and look at the motor shafts if the shafts are all black they are 2312 and if they only a black dot on the end they are 2212 motors. The 2212 motors are the original motor for the P2 nv v1.and the 2312 were on the P2NV v2 which also came with v2.1 ESC modules and 9450 props. Now if you replaced the motor with aftermarket or a 2312 when all the rest were 2212 that's a problems as motors cannot be mixed and a 2312 does not work with a v2.0 ESC module either,
So now the question is what motor did you replace it with. Stock or aftermarket.