DJI Repair - Excellent for me

Jan 21, 2018
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Northern California
Over time, a lot has been written about problems with DJI repair. I wanted to relay what I consider to have been a good experience. I have a Phantom 4Pro, which is 7 years old. Has mostly performed well, but this spring, I began to notice an increasing "jello effect." It progressed to the degree that I could not work around it anymore. I contacted DJI service, and they first requested that I perform a calibration of the gimbal and the IMU. I updated the firmware, and the gimbal calibration process froze at the 50% level, even with multiple tries. I could not perform an IMU calibration. They asked me to send it in for repair or replacement, and they sent a repair label. After 2 days, they came back to me with a list of parts that needed repair, and they asked for $350. I thought this was reasonable. Except for prop replacements, I have had zero maintenance/repair expenses with the machine. So paying 5% of the original purchase price.

Two days later, the package arrived, and they replaced the Phantom 4 with a brand new one (as best as I can tell). The Controller was also new. They immediately followed up by email and phone to ask if the unit was working. It took a couple of days for me to get to it. And, Yes, the replacement works perfectly.

So, my experience is a one-off, but I was frankly impressed! The only part that was hard, was to get hold of them in the first place! Otherwise, the whole process took 10 days.

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