DJI early adopter discount and rebate petition

If you all want DJI to really pay attention put your money where your mouth is and just refuse to buy the Vision +... boycott it

This is what corporations know..... I can't believe all the complaining about this and then the same people are all fighting for a space in line to send them more of their hard earned money for the Plus. Not a foreign corporation in the world will care how their global customers feel if their profits are still increasing. Why should they? It's all about profit in a global market......

If they come out with a newer and improved Vision ++ in 6 months they will do it again as well and why not? They seem to have a endless line of people willing to pay for the latest and greatest. Some of these dump current product for pennies on the dollar making any warranties void for the secondary customer thus this cost is off the corporations back, errors they may of found in past models do not have to be addressed because the first customer base has moved on to the newer improved products while increasing the corporations sales and profits, etc.. this list can go on and on and the corporation is in a win win situation and if someone is in a constant state of chasing the newest brass ring they are making this process possible and profitable.

If they make it people will buy it................ no matter how ticked they may be. To correct this process one must remember MONEY TALKS/ BS buys
Mav456 said:
JimDE said:
If you all want DJI to really pay attention put your money where your mouth is and just refuse to buy the Vision +... boycott it

This is what corporations know..... I can't believe all the complaining about this and then the same people are all fighting for a space in line to send them more of their hard earned money for the Plus. Not a foreign corporation in the world will care how their global customers feel if their profits are still increasing. Why should they? It's all about profit in a global market......

If they come out with a newer and improved Vision ++ in 6 months they will do it again as well and why not? They seem to have a endless line of people willing to pay for the latest and greatest. Some of these dump current product for pennies on the dollar making any warranties void for the secondary customer thus this cost is off the corporations back, errors they may of found in past models do not have to be addressed because the first customer base has moved on to the newer improved products while increasing the corporations sales and profits, etc.. this list can go on and on and the corporation is in a win win situation and if someone is in a constant state of chasing the newest brass ring they are making this process possible and profitable.

If they make it people will buy it................ no matter how ticked they may be. To correct this process one must remember MONEY TALKS/ BS buys
The jerkass who started this thread has already preordered his plus. He is just hoping for something free. A handout . A complainer . You got what you paid for now stfu!

Geez. Why the rudeness?
Thank you for your email.

We do not know if the Phantom 2 Vision + camera will be available as a separate purchase or if it is compatible with your Phantom 2 Vision.

We cannot help you set up your Phantom 2 Vision with 3rd party equipment. Please seek information on Youtube or the gimbal manufacture's website.

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