Dealing with people

Apr 24, 2017
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Hi All,
I was flying my drone yesterday at a field where I normally fly and someone walked up to me and asked hat I was doing and thought I was spying. I tried to show them that I wasn't doing that but I landed it anyways and left. What is the best way to deal with people like that and what are the rules I live in Illinois in the USA.
When I go out filming/flying I usually have my DSLR with me with a very large zoom lens attached. If someone accuses me of spying with my drone, I'll ask if they prefer I use the hand held camera instead.
Stupid people are trying to run the world, stupid people need to be put in their place.
One thing I don't do is let them run me off with my tail between my legs. If I'm confident I'm not doing anything wrong I keep flying.

In your case, I would have asked "What do you think I'm spying on in an open field?"
Oddly enough, I hardly ever get approached while flying. My wife says it has something to do with how I look when I'm concentrating....o_O
I don't understand what she means...
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After laughing at whatever ridiculous statement I just heard I usually mention that the drone is registered with the FAA and that I am well within my rights. If they persist, tell them to call the cops. 6 hours later the cops will be there and you will be gone! [emoji23][emoji23]
Why argue .. why be antagonistic as one here is prompting ?

I often get people ask me all sorts while flying. I am polite, I answer their questions but nicely remind them that I have to keep mind on the business of flying. I've even held the controller and display so they can see for themselves ... I have never had anyone create a problem yet. They have all received answers, and retreated wishing well in my flying. You would be amazed at how their attitude changes when they start to understand.

Personally I think we have a duty to be polite and inform those who do not understand. Only this way can we avoid such ridiculous media scandals such as the Hogwart incident and court cases etc. We are the flyers who can alter public conception of our hobby.
Trappy / Hogwart and idiots such as they - do a lot of damage to public image of all RC flying whatever model type. If we adopt a 'leave me alone' attitude - is it no wonder we end up with no flying in a park etc.

Packing up and leaving - in my view is a last resort only if the encounter risks turning bad. I would rather briing it into land ... and show them the setup ... literally a guided tour ....

Remember that one person if you gain positive encounter will speak to others ... we NEED to educate / change opinion about us.

My 2c's worth anyway.

Why argue .. why be antagonistic as one here is prompting ?

I often get people ask me all sorts while flying. I am polite, I answer their questions but nicely remind them that I have to keep mind on the business of flying. I've even held the controller and display so they can see for themselves ... I have never had anyone create a problem yet. They have all received answers, and retreated wishing well in my flying. You would be amazed at how their attitude changes when they start to understand.

Personally I think we have a duty to be polite and inform those who do not understand. Only this way can we avoid such ridiculous media scandals such as the Hogwart incident and court cases etc. We are the flyers who can alter public conception of our hobby.
Trappy / Hogwart and idiots such as they - do a lot of damage to public image of all RC flying whatever model type. If we adopt a 'leave me alone' attitude - is it no wonder we end up with no flying in a park etc.

Packing up and leaving - in my view is a last resort only if the encounter risks turning bad. I would rather briing it into land ... and show them the setup ... literally a guided tour ....

Remember that one person if you gain positive encounter will speak to others ... we NEED to educate / change opinion about us.

My 2c's worth anyway.

Well stated Nigel. However, the temptation for a quick snappy retort is always tempting. Fortunately Im not very verbally adroit in those situations. I too though have people look over my shoulder and explain what Im doing. That said, I've haven't as of yet been approached in an a aggressive manner. Yet.
I have to say that I am an old fashioned person and enjoy conversation. Too many people today don't want to 'speak' and it leads to isolationism and general discord.

I have a Russian wife and the contrast of my character and hers is a good example. Russians grew up under soviet system to not question. To just accept what is. Not for me I'm afraid. I like to chat ... I like to understand .. I like to receive what I pay for.
Wife over the years has given up over the years trying to stop me chatting to people - often people I don't know.

How many people today actually have a real conversation, even with people they know ? Very few. A quick few words and that's it. No real conversation.

Some weeks back - I traveled back to UK and had agreed to meet an ex-girlfriend of mine. We were together when I was at Marine College over 40yrs ago. We spent the whole day talking and it was one of the best days for a long time. We didn't just reminisce ... we really 'talked' ...

OK ... I know this is something different - but what I'm trying to illustrate is the art of communication. We all fail in it in some ways - I get accused of being OTT on this forum even though its not what I intend ... but the point is, if we can communicate with those people who approach us in the park ... in the field etc, and present ourselves as rational normal human beings with same concerns etc. instead of the Hogwart / Trappy style - things would start to improve. That Lady who walks her dog and wants to stop your flying ... a few pats of the dog and interest in HER interests goes a long way.

Maybe its because I have to work with many different nationalities in their home locations ... Chinese, Korean, Thai, Russian, Italian, Egyptian, Turkish, Indian etc. just to give a few examples of the many ... I employ Dutch, Latvian, Russian, Lithuanian, Irish, as examples.

The worlds population may be expanding rapidly ... but it is becoming increasingly lonely planet because communication face to face is declining.

Sorry for the novel ... but it is my opinion.

But doesn't that Vest itself play into the 'fear factor' of the public ... it literally says to people stand clear - its unsafe. Forgive me for saying it - even if the post was meant to be a bit of humour - its detrimental to our cause.
That little old lady with her dog - if she saw that vest would be even more determined to stop you flying in the park to safeguard her dog walks !!

Its like HS&E regulations that fail to educate people to be safe but impose stupid restrictions to try and solve safe practice.

But doesn't that Vest itself play into the 'fear factor' of the public ... it literally says to people stand clear - its unsafe. Forgive me for saying it - even if the post was meant to be a bit of humour - its detrimental to our cause.
That little old lady with her dog - if she saw that vest would be even more determined to stop you flying in the park to safeguard her dog walks !!

Its like HS&E regulations that fail to educate people to be safe but impose stupid restrictions to try and solve safe practice.

No... That vest is telling skeptical people that you are flying responsible and following the rule. So they don't have to come over and asks stupid questions.
Sorry but I have to disagree ... Human Nature is to extrapolate from what it sees ...

Big bold letters : STAND CLEAR ..... that says it all for me and that little old Lady !!

Get rid of the "STAND CLEAR" and I would agree with the vest ...

But it still does nothing to educate the public and bring our hobby into a better light.

Guess I need to get a vest that not only covers my RC flying, but have vests that cover my JetSki, ATV , Welding, etc. What a crock. I don't bother people and expect the same. I have Chows and will walk them. Guess I should get a vest for that.
My take... tell them that you are no spying and just getting some general photos of the area... just like someone with a pocket camera. I think there are some disarming words there. "General", as not specifically of any one thing. and mentioning a pocket camera gets them to realize that every day cameras are the same thing.

Truth is, if you were "spying" you'd not being using something that sounds like a weed wacker. Or you'd just really suck at spying.
Must agree ... consider you hear the thing long before you can see it !!

Hey Nigel, I know things don't always translate well in a text posting but I think a lot of us are just venting with a large helping of humour thrown in.
I am a conversational person by nature and love to educate people about my awesome hobby but it seems there are a great deal of self important nitwits about these days that just want to insinuate themselves into everything.
I try to not let it get to me but when it does, l like to come to these forums and blow off a little steam with some like minded folks and that usually involves a large dose of sarcasm and silliness.

Humour seems to be another one of those dying arts. :)

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No problem .... I also at times feel same.

The OP's question and subject though is one I feel quite strongly about. RC generally is regarded quite well by the public, but the Multi-Rotor section or Drones as some like to call them have a bad time often due to a few idiots. It is then up to us 'sensible users' to try and negate that.

Laws are being enacted in countries as a result of incidents but also because of 'perceived dangers' .... It not only affects Drones - but all forms of RC. Jokes aside - our interaction with Joe public is important.

Completely agree with Nigel here.............. invariably, people come up to me and are fascinated, particularly with the camera and when it shows them on the screen. Always be friendly and chatty................. I've even let people have a little go, though I make sure it's at a good height to avoid mishaps. Treat people how you would like to be treated if the roles were reversed.................. then invariably, there's no problem + you've made some friends.
Completely agree with Nigel here.............. invariably, people come up to me and are fascinated, particularly with the camera and when it shows them on the screen. Always be friendly and chatty................. I've even let people have a little go, though I make sure it's at a good height to avoid mishaps. Treat people how you would like to be treated if the roles were reversed.................. then invariably, there's no problem + you've made some friends.
I like the idea of giving people a go and showing what it does and that it's not capable of spying on people.
Thanks for advice everyone.
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