California Law

Dec 24, 2016
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Does anyone know what the law is for just flying over a residential neighborhood??? There are open fields in my neighborhood where I take off and fly quickly over homes to get to some great golf courses to do some filming. Neighbors are starting to ***** and want to change the CC&Rs. I would like to know if I am breaking the law.

Thanks in advance
If you have an HOA they can pretty much do whatever they want. I doubt California law would have any say in the matter.
Does anyone know what the law is for just flying over a residential neighborhood??? There are open fields in my neighborhood where I take off and fly quickly over homes to get to some great golf courses to do some filming. Neighbors are starting to ***** and want to change the CC&Rs. I would like to know if I am breaking the law.

Thanks in advance
Hi yeh i just stopped flyin round me house,got a visit someone thought i was spyin,,algood outcome still got arms and legs,,,,i dont fly thatway no more,,,ha,,one of our laws is not be hazzard to aircraft ,,property,,and people,,goodluck:cool:
The CC&Rs could prevent you from taking off and landing on certain property. But they most likely don't own the street in front of your house (unless it's a private road) so you could always take off from there. They can not prevent you flying over their house. The airspace is regulated by the FAA, not the city, not the neighbors, etc.

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