Anyone in this Blizzard? ****JONAS--22 JAN 2016****

Jan 6, 2016
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Northern MD here. Expected to get 30" and 50mph winds. Freaking lovely! Got a genny, and 217 gal of No.2 in the tank so no worries about the lights going out.

I hope the winds die down enough by sunset Sunday for a nice flight to see the winter wonderland it will be!
Yea I am in Md as well. North and east of Baltimore. I was hoping to get some cool photos once the sky clears
Just flew for about 90 seconds in the blizzard in NJ... started in my garage in ATTI with topside vents taped up, got GPS signal outside. But, I was too scared so hand caught and went inside.
the rock..nod.gif
Been like Spring here. +6*C yesterday, today reached a high of +4*C.
Pity for them eastern folks, who are getting the winter we normally enjoy here, at this time of year. ;-)
I hear it snowed a little too. Eh? Hehe

Practically tee shirt weather for us. Hahahaha
Hardy souls, I will venture a guess. Eh

12 below and been blowing 30 40 mph here for a couple of days and forecast says no let up for a few more days. If it keeps this up I'm gonna have to swap my flip flops and ballcap for Kamiks and a toque or stay inside.

They say it's snowing but with the high West wind it must be landing in

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