Any reasonable priced drones that can go 40 miles?

Nov 2, 2016
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Yes I know reasonable is a relative term. Sitting here trying not to spend any money on drones. At least for the day. Was thinking about how nice it would be, in my old age, to fly a drone to our cabin from my wheel chair, stroller, etc. For $10k I might think about it. Some thing tells me my wife wouldn't think about it. LOL. It is 40 miles over water. I know the government has all the good toys, but will there be a toy like that in our future? Just asking about the cost, technology, and the future. Not legal, moral, what my neighbor might thing, or if the nurse might rat me out for having a 10 foot drone under my bed.
How did he do that? A controller the size of a small car and a giant battery. 20 miles?

Haha. Plus you have to be smart, you have to know how to fly and you have to have nerves of steel. And you have to be willing to risk losing your AC (he didn't lose it on this run).

Click on the "19.4" in the link and you'll see a map and if you scroll down you'll see details on his antenna and battery.

Haha. Plus you have to be smart, you have to know how to fly and you have to have nerves of steel. And you have to be willing to risk losing your AC (he didn't lose it on this run).

Click on the "19.4" in the link and you'll see a map and if you scroll down you'll see details on his antenna and battery.
I will thank you. If true that is amazing
A very nice development! Under what circumstances can you get the most out of your drone? As for example, what is the best temperature and at what height do you get the best performance from your battery?

Btw, there is already a solution for 60 km, have a look at 60 KM long range Antenna
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A very nice development! Under what circumstances can you get the most out of your drone? As for example, what is the best temperature and at what height do you get the best performance from your battery?

Btw, there is already a solution for 60 km, have a look at 60 KM long range Antenna
So that plugs into the controller?
You'd have to modify the controller. It's not that difficult.
You change out the connectors the antennas go into? We do things because it is a challenge. Like trying to get a really big bear up close, or land an airplane on a 400 foot strip.. I believe there is all ways away, but maybe not practical. If you screw up there is usually a price to pay for it.
You open up the controller, disconnect the ufl cable from the transmitter, remove the stock antenna and cable, and replace it with a cable that is friendly to antenna or amp hot-swapping. It's a very routine mod.
I had the Maxx amp kit installed on one of my controller. I follow what your saying.
A very nice development! Under what circumstances can you get the most out of your drone? As for example, what is the best temperature and at what height do you get the best performance from your battery?

Btw, there is already a solution for 60 km, have a look at 60 KM long range Antenna

No spicific height really - other than keep it legal where you fly - but wind is a factor. Typically, wind speed is lower at lower altitudes, so it often makes sense to head out into a headwind at a low altitude and head back a bit higher. For the Phantom 4 series, you will get the most distance at about 30 MPH.

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