AeroXCraft Gimbal Owners... show yourselves!

May 31, 2013
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Oxfordshire, UK
As stated really... would like to hear from owners (issues, setup photos, Pro's, Con's etc). Reason?...

Well with today's 4.00 firmware release proving that DJI still don't know their arse from their elbow with firmware related products, I have decided against a Zenmuse. To be fair that was not the only reason (I want something that isn't tied to a NAZA for non flight applications).

I could take a punt on others I know but I am UK based as are AeroXcraft which is a good start.

So yes... love to hear/see from people.
Here's a video I shot comparing the aeroxcraft gimbal to a regular mount

Since then I crashed the gimbal into the ocean, washed it off with freshwater, removed the seaweed and sand, and on drying out has no issues! My only issue was initializing once in a small breeze. It started a feedback shake which continued into the flight as a jittery twitch, very unusual. I built a plug into the power wire so I can switch it off when the phantom is powered up, turn on gimbal, start video, then plug and power up gimbal. I avoid handling the gimbal when powered that way, which feels like you are fighting it, can't be good. The aeroxcraft is somewhat heavy, the electronics are fragile and exposed, the front plate which holds the gopro is awkward to install and a power switch would have been nice. But, ts half the price of a Zenmuse, works well, absorbs vibration well, seems well built, and can be transferred to other platforms. I have not set up the tilt function, but I put a small piece of foam rubber behind the camera, and above the camera, and it holds the gopro pointed down that way. I wish it was easier to remove the gimbal quickly, but I suppose a few minutes isn't bad.
Great vid and write up there thank you!

I'd say the pros outweigh the cons and a few of the niggles are resolveable (DIY on/off switch for one).

As you probably know I am 3D print/design crazy so the first thing I will do is look at what can be done to improve the negatives (I am thinking a panel to fit over the board for starters). You can probably comment if you think that is even possible. Maybe some other way to mount the camera quicker but assuming the IMU is mounted to the top of the camera housing that might be a no go area due to balance.

My slight worry is the lack of real estate it leaves you for FPV equiptment too but again this is maybe something that can be designed around.

Flight and image wise I'd say there is very little in it. Maybe a little tiny tiny wobble compared to the Zenmuse but that would make sense being the Phantom IMU is fighting the winds and the Gimbal is fighting the Phantom whereas the Zenmuse isn't. Could just be being over picky. Hell for double the money i would expect it to be better afterall.

Any other owners in here guys?
Yeah Tarot is a very close second so far. If i was in the USA i'd probably go that route but availability isn't as high in the UK and import costs make it less of a bargain here from those that do supply (£65 difference depending on supplier). Much like the AeroX I've seen some great results from it though and as you say it is independant too which is a plus point.

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