A rather large dog story and a Phantom 3 Pro

Jun 4, 2015
Reaction score
California (originally Hereford UK)
So i was flying at a local park across the street yesterday evening it was getting pretty dark, hovering just above myself at about 12ft, when i suddenly heard this really loud barking coming down the access footpath and the shadow of quite a large dog, couldn't quite make the breed out in the darkness, but it started running at me full pelt barking like it was insane, as it got closer i noticed that its attention was not on myself but on the quad (breathed a very deep sigh of relief), then i saw approaching a middle aged woman, calling the dog, which was taking absolutely no notice whatsoever it was fully intent on trying to bark my quad out of existence, she approached me slowly and said, i wonder what had got my dogs attention, i thought she was chasing a coyote they often come into this park at night but you only need to worry if they come in packs (that made me feel really safe lol).

So we got to talking about the quad,and i showed her the feed and some long exposure pictures and explained about FAA guidelines and responsibilities of individuals flying, she asked how much and she replied oh thats reasonable for that fancy looking kit, the dog was still barking its silly head off, so i said to the lady would you like me to exercise your dog for you, at which she looked at me a bit strangely and asked what do you mean, to which i replied let me show you.

i spent the next 8 minutes sending the dog 3 times around the field, about the size of a soccer pitch, to which she eventually replied Oh my i dont think my dog has ever run so fast ... TY she then bid me good night and left dragging her dog with her.

A nice encounter.
Great story!

P.S. Love your signature!
Um why has this been moved i was flying my P3 pro?

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