A Bozo Phantom pilot strikes again

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It's not restricted it's called controlled. That's the whole point of the FAA requiring a certificated pilot to fly a any aircraft in controlled airspace. Knowing what it is and where it is. Restricted airspace as delineated on FAA Sectional Maps, is usually over military bases, etc. if I want to fly across the street from Love Field, I could. I would have to be a licensed pilot with an Section 333 exemption in place a request a COA from the local FSDO with all my info. Then be in contact with ATC during the flight and conduct my business. My flight. So we do not know if this flight was done proper or not.
Hey, I was just quoting the news story, they used the term restricted air space - but thanks for the clarification - I doubt seriously that any news person knows folks can get clearance - had they done their job they should have done some research and found out if this person had clearance to be where they were. (but that does not make it a story)
That's one of my biggest fears, being a distraction. I work for a school department, and everyone always asks me to fly it at a football game. Besides the fact that I wouldn't even THINK of getting within even 5 feet of the field, I don't want to create such a distraction that it affects the spectators or the game itself. I know it's not as life-threatening as a car wreck, but you get the idea...

My neighbor across the road is a football coach and treasurer of the school district.

Last spring he said thought it would nice if I could video a game for them...

It took exactly 0 seconds for me to say no and explain that while I am confident and comfortable with my plus, the reward/risk of doing so was not worth it.
No game videos!
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My neighbor across the road is a football coach and treasurer of the school district.

Last spring he said thought it would nice if I could video a game for them...

It took exactly 0 seconds for me to say no and explain that while I am confident and comfortable with my plus, the reward/risk of doing so was not worth it.
No game videos!

On the other hand, if ever there's a crowd of people to fly over, these guys are trained for toughness and wearing pads, facemasks, and helmets.
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On the other hand, if ever there's a crowd of people to fly over, these guys are trained for toughness and wearing pads, facemasks, and helmets.

yea, but mom and dad in stands maybe not so much! lol

I really did want to but that slim chance of error on my part that close to a crowd..... Maybe it is my age but figured not worth it
yea, but mom and dad in stands maybe not so much! lol

I really did want to but that slim chance of error on my part that close to a crowd..... Maybe it is my age but figured not worth it

Nope, not worth it.

They did want me to see if I can get a straight-down shot of the field empty, which I'll gladly do, but haven't had the time.
Nope, not worth it.

They did want me to see if I can get a straight-down shot of the field empty, which I'll gladly do, but haven't had the time.

Not straight above but from off property,
at time I was not able to be on school property as I had my EDC and In Ohio that's a no no.


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Got cold looking at that shot... lol... The school I work for doesn't have a field that nice, but they should... going on second undefeated season in a row, averaging about 50 points scored per game, allowing about 14 points per game... they played yesterday and won 62-7... lol
Got cold looking at that shot... lol... The school I work for doesn't have a field that nice, but they should... going on second undefeated season in a row, averaging about 50 points scored per game, allowing about 14 points per game... they played yesterday and won 62-7... lol
Got cold looking at that shot... lol... The school I work for doesn't have a field that nice, but they should... going on second undefeated season in a row, averaging about 50 points scored per game, allowing about 14 points per game... they played yesterday and won 62-7... lol

Unfortunately that is coming soon my way again, November tends to do that . Found an old Field Jacket today from my soldier days(long, long ago) and it jumped out at me as perfect to use for winter cold weather flying, lots pockets for batteries and stuff, wind/water repell , hood, etc.

BTW our field is much better than the record this year...lol
Yea, we get it bad up here in Rhode Island too... gotta dig out the winter gear soon, never had a quad in the winter, so I'm looking forward to some snow flying. Although by Thursday it'll be close to 70 degrees up here, so I can deal with that... lol...
Thank you for contributing to the general hysteria over personal drones.
If the operator did advise the Love tower, then the flight was probably perfectly legal and within FAA guidelines.

Airport aside, where is your evidence that flying over a freeway is "the wrong place"?

This is what we in the rational world call "Fear Mongering".
Keep the risk of personal drones and model aircraft in perspective.

Today (if this is an average day):
1560 people will die from Cancer
268 people in US hospitals will die because of medical mistakes.
162 people will be wounded by firearms in the US.
117 Americans will die in an automobile accident.
98 people in the US will die from the flu.
53 people will kill themselves with a firearm.
46 children will suffer eye injuries.
37 will die from AIDS.
Thank you for contributing to the general hysteria over personal drones.
If the operator did advise the Love tower, then the flight was probably perfectly legal and within FAA guidelines.

Airport aside, where is your evidence that flying over a freeway is "the wrong place"?

This is what we in the rational world call "Fear Mongering".
Keep the risk of personal drones and model aircraft in perspective.

Today (if this is an average day):
1560 people will die from Cancer
268 people in US hospitals will die because of medical mistakes.
162 people will be wounded by firearms in the US.
117 Americans will die in an automobile accident.
98 people in the US will die from the flu.
53 people will kill themselves with a firearm.
46 children will suffer eye injuries.
37 will die from AIDS.
30 people will die in gun-related murders.
3 General Aviation airplanes will crash in the US.
0 people will be seriously injured or killed by a small drone accident.

There is absolutely no factual evidence to support the fear and ignorance around small personal drones.

Screaming "HE FLEW OVER A PERSON, A CAR, A DOLPHIN --- WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" doesn't help the perception that this is one of the safest hobbies in the world. People have died from baseballs and golf balls, but not one from a personal drone.

I am not in the least opposed to making owners of these small aircraft operate them safely, but don't imagine an operation is unsafe when there is no evidence to support your opinion.
30 people will die in gun-related murders.
3 General Aviation airplanes will crash in the US.
0 people will be seriously injured or killed by a small drone accident.

There is absolutely no factual evidence to support the fear and ignorance around small personal drones.

Screaming "HE FLEW OVER A PERSON, A CAR, A DOLPHIN --- WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" doesn't help the perception that this is one of the safest hobbies in the world. People have died from baseballs and golf balls, but not one from a personal drone.

I am not in the least opposed to making owners of these small aircraft operate them safely, but don't imagine an operation is unsafe when there is no evidence to support your opinion.
Are Literally brain dead Steve Mann
Are Literally brain dead Steve Mann ? IYou justify someone flying over a freeway , it is illegal in anyone with common sense and a respect for human life and safety! Fly over a freeway, your drone goes out of control, smashes into a 18 wheeler which flips over and crashes taking out 18 cars and 18 lives!, real wise to ague this point. It's fools like the guy/gal who flow over a Dallas freeway and even bigger fools who sit on this forum and try to justify it!, I would be surprised it it wasn't you! It's people who do and justify this behavior that cause fear and hysteria in the public eye, not those who condone this behavior!
Are Literally brain dead Steve Mann ? IYou justify someone flying over a freeway , it is illegal in anyone with common sense and a respect for human life and safety! Fly over a freeway, your drone goes out of control, smashes into a 18 wheeler which flips over and crashes taking out 18 cars and 18 lives!, real wise to ague this point. It's fools like the guy/gal who flow over a Dallas freeway and even bigger fools who sit on this forum and try to justify it!, I would be surprised it it wasn't you! It's people who do and justify this behavior that cause fear and hysteria in the public eye, not those who condone this behavior!

For someone who has difficulty quoting and responding to a post, you should be careful who you call "brain dead".

Maybe you should sell your quad before a blade breaks off and flies into your eye... or worse yet, your LiPo battery explodes, compressing the air around it into a singularity forming a black hole, resulting in a massive gamma ray burst, causing global warming on Mars....
You mistake "justify" for stating the facts. I never said that it was a good idea and I did not leap to defend the operator that you and others are so quick to call a bozo with no facts but the reporter's hysteria. The fact is that if the operator were in communication with ATC then the flight could be legal.
We - and that includes those here - do not have all the facts. Just because a reporter says it's illegal doesn't make it so.
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Park manager called today to explain why even a nano quad is illegal in this "public" recreational field. Seems to many mommies are afraid that "lil" may be injured. Although kites are still allowed

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
For someone who has difficulty quoting and responding to a post, you should be careful who you call "brain dead".

Maybe you should sell your quad before a blade breaks off and flies into your eye... or worse yet, your LiPo battery explodes, compressing the air around it into a singularity forming a black hole, resulting in a massive gamma ray burst, causing global warming on Mars....

[Moderator edit: This message was entirely inappropriate and has been removed and the poster warned.]
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I am sorry that after hitting "Reply" the order of sentencing was entered incorrectly, which was out of my control, thus removing me from the "Brain Dead" list, which you are the leading ******* in !. Take your Phantom my friend, and fly it up your imaginary black hole !. MF'er
Just log on and this is the first post I read o_O Really
Just log on and this is the first post I read o_O Really
Sorry for the colorful expresions, But as a commercial flyer, I have no tolerance whatsoever for unsafe, uneducated UAV flyers, who want to defend others of their type in flying their crafts in a unsafe manner putting others in harms way!.
Sorry for the colorful expresions, But as a commercial flyer, I have no tolerance whatsoever for unsafe, uneducated UAV flyers, who want to defend others of their type in flying their crafts in a unsafe manner putting others in harms way!.
I don't care who you are .You got a bad mouth and really hate to think you fly commercially .
lol. I've been avoiding this thread. Glad I'm all caught up now :)
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I don't care who you are .You got a bad mouth and really hate to think you fly commercially .

[Moderator edit: More inappropriate behavior. Poster is banned from this thread and issued another warning.]
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