
  1. Fletch911

    RTH Altitude Clarification

    There are a few threads on the RTH & Altitude, and I wanted to confirm a couple of important points with documented answers that were not opinions. I think this is an important point that should be clarified. The FAA uses MSL as a baseline, but obstructions are posted as AGL. For UAV Pilots, the...
  2. M

    Altitude issues in waypoint mode

    On my first waypoints mission my phantom flew below the altitude of the home point and did not seem to even approach the altitude that the waypoint was set at. My first question is: how do these phantoms calculate their altitude? I know they have barometers but do they not also work in...
  3. jamesb72

    Phantom 3 - flying below ground level ?

    I've been flying Phantom1 for a couple of years, and getting a P3A in next few weeks, so have been reading up but cannot find anything on this. I am planning to do some video off a cliff, so will take off from top of cliff, then fly along cliff face (~10M below take off position), and hoped to...
  4. Saleh Penhos

    Follow Me mode, beware on the altitude...

    Hi, You can see a video of my Phantom 3 Professional running at 10 m/s (36 km/h) following me on my Black Jetta, at 120 meters high... The issue was that I elevated the Phantom at 120 meters high, BUT from 90 meters below the highest estimated point... I supposed that my Phantom will keep the...
  5. pounder35

    Zero elevation at home point.

    Using Litchi on my P2V and trying to do waypoint flying I've noticed that my altitude at waypoints is much lower than I intend. Playing around I find my altitude at "home" where I set the GPS and compass shows about 29 feet. When I reach waypoint one which I have set for 100 ft. I'm flying...
  6. pounder35

    Altitude measurements with Litchi

    I was flying some test runs today after getting my P2V back from having some repairs done. I was mainly checking heights of trees and other objects near our flying field. I noticed that after setting the compass and getting ready to take off the Litchi app showed my altitude was about 26 feet. I...
  7. zryall3

    Video Latency

    I noticed when getting some practice in with my P3Prof, that the latency on the iPhone 6 was significant and choppy, sometimes looking like the signal was going to drop. The P3 was never more than 100 feet from me and all power was good, so as I flew between tree trunks and out into the street...
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