aerial photography

  1. M

    Great Aerial Photography company in BC, Canada

    Anyone looking for drone services in British Columbia, Canada? If so, check out Agile Drone Services. I'm a web designer and used them for some aerial photography projects. Their pilots are all licensed professionals with many years experience. They are also a licensed reseller of DJI drones...
  2. DroneDevotion

    Free Workshop on Aerial Photography

    Guys we are organizing a live, totally free workshop, maybe take a look, you could get something out of it :). Starts today at 2pm EST. Title: Learn the best tips from FAA certified pilot and aerial photography expert Mark Moody on what it takes to plan and shot the most eye catching pictures...
  3. F

    Do you want to have some fun with your 107?

    Craft shows, are unique, in that they provide photographers (and a multitude of others) a way to sell their creations, without the hassles of running a business. You can do one or two a year, or you can do one every weekend. You can go to the local high school, or enter juried shows on a...
  4. Zen Ho

    Stone Forest.Wo Yang Shan

    Wo Yang Shan, Hong Kong
  5. Zen Ho

    Standing on the Edge.Lantau Peak

    Lantau Peak, Hong Kong
  6. P

    P4P good for a beginner?

    Hi all, im new in this forum and in the drone world, I never had a drone before but now im planning to buy a P4P to take aerial photos,videos... and offer my services to anyone that needs a drone for that. So is it worth it or should i buy a cheaper one? Does the people have interest in those...
  7. OmniDrone Aerial

    Friday Night Lights - High School Football Wisconsin

    Filming this gave me chills seeing as I played on this very field a decade ago. My father was/is a coach and the field is named after his father. I hope you enjoy!
  8. B

    Dronexer - Free & ad-free non-profit app / website for drone guys

    Disclaimer: I contacted PhantomPilots via email and they permitted me to post about Dronexer. If you find this post inappropriate in any way please feel free to report it. :) Hi folks. I am Biser. The developer of I am happy to introduce you to Dronexer. Dronexer provides you...
  9. OmniDrone Aerial

    Mysterious underwater creature caught on video by drone - what is that thing???

    Hey guys, was reviewing footage when I spotted this 'thing' swimming across the river. So I made a little video in hopes that someone might be able to tell what it is - cuz I sure as heck don't know!
  10. OmniDrone Aerial

    OmniDrone Aerial Presents: A Collection of Epic Drone Video

    Hope you guys like it and if you do, show some love! Enjoy
  11. bluewaterpilot

    Hello from St. Clair, Michigan

    Thanks for allowing me to join the conversations happening here. I'm always looking to gain new insights into anything involving drone aircraft. Find out more about me and my business at:
  12. We Talk UAV

    New Canon Drone. Six Motors and Six Times the Fun.

    Canon announces the lastest release on its first drone. All bets are in as to how they will do. Out of Canon’s 80 year career in the camera business, they have a proven standard on quality for cameras. This another first for them.
  13. We Talk UAV

    How to Become a Drone Photography Master: Two Worlds Effect

  14. We Talk UAV

    Dronelapse Photography: Why Editing matters

    There is an art to editing and an art to aerial drone video production. Anyone who gets serious about this will tell you that point. For me, anything I can soak up about how to get a better quality shot I am all for. Which brings us to the latest: Drone Lapse photography. Really, drone lapse...
  15. We Talk UAV

    DJI and Hasselblad- The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship?

    It seems like it wasn't really that long ago that DJI was in partnership with Go Pro. The Phantom 2 was a new product and it had a customized gimbal that you could exclusively put in a specific Go Pro model, the Hero 3 and Hero 4. Both of these cameras required their own gimbals and it seemed...
  16. We Talk UAV

    Drone Photography-Night Cityscape Tutorial.

    Shooting the city landscape at night can provide some real challenges. Vibrations of drone, exposure setting and the tiniest of movements can make or break a good shot. Therefore, it is always a good idea to see what basics you may be missing as well as explore what type of angles work best when...
  17. We Talk UAV

    Post Production Basics-Lightroom Workflow 101

    Ok, some great videos in this area. Here are some of our secret tips (don't tell anyone, it is a secret.)
  18. Skyer

    Aerial pictures - Phantom 3 Advanced

    Hey everyone! I've started publishing a collection of aerial pictures taken with my P3A at Flickr: Thanks for watching!
  19. Z

    Just recently got into aerial photography.

    Hey guys, I bought a phantom recently and have really gotten into taking pictures and videos with it. Here are a couple that I like. Thanks for taking a look!
  20. E

    Hello from Pflugerville,TX

    I just bought a DJI Phantom 4 (less than two weeks ago). I've much to learn. My first observation is my iPhone 6Plus is not great for viewing. I used my wife's iPad mini and that was much better. I'm looking for an 8 to 10 inch tablet that is cheap and works well with DJI GO. Can anyone tell me...
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