Why did you crash?

Flew with my buddy a couple weeks ago over a frozen lake and smashed into his at full speed. Both of our stomachs dropped. Fortunately the lake was frozen and I was able to retrieve both drones. I only broke my yaw arm and three props and he managed to only have a couple broken props as well. Needless to say if you are going to fly with someone else always communicate back and forth and keep a safe altitude difference lol

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Flew with my buddy a couple weeks ago over a frozen lake and smashed into his at full speed. Both of our stomachs dropped. Fortunately the lake was frozen and I was able to retrieve both drones. I only broke my yaw arm and three props and he managed to only have a couple broken props as well. Needless to say if you are going to fly with someone else always communicate back and forth and keep a safe altitude difference lol

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Spent some time formation flying in real life and can tell you that if you don't have a good plan when flying in proximity of other aircraft, it will get ugly fast. Easiest way to avoid the smash is one pilot having an altitude limit and the other a floor limit. Then you can do whatever you want direction wise and not run into another. Also, when landing time one approaches the base from the one direction and the other from the other direction.
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Fair to say most of us have at some point had a crash, doesn't have to be 40mph into the local office block, snapping a few twigs still counts.
The forum is full of posts who blame Dji for all their woes, including next doors dog using their lawn as a toilet. Ok, maybe not that, but there are some pretty dumb things get posted. I think I am safe in saying some posts are fib telling in the hope that someone will believe them and gently hold their hand and say its "its not your fault". (There has been one post today that fits that category successfully)
So, my point.
How many have truly had a crash that really was due to system glitch? And I don't mean a glitch caused by you screwing up calibrations, I mean a proper Dji, friday built drone. Plus were Dji quick to accept you bought a sick puppy?
How many crashes were 100% your fault, looking the wrong way, showing off to mates/sexy onlookers, programmed Litchi to make the Phantom perform like a mole, props on loose etc etc.

For the record, first flight, straight into a tree above where my sister was sat. Sister survived and so did my birdie.
Had 3 crashes:
First was when I attempted to use a cellphone and a seek thermal camera but forgot to put cellphone in airplane mode so compass error and then crash. No damage to the bird

Second was a tree that just jumped out in front of my baby taking her down from about 50 feet. Severe camera gimbal damage but after a new camera and IMU calibration all was well.

Third was doing a flight for a utility company flying around a water tower for an inspection. Got to close to the tower and again compass error and almost a fly away. Shut down motors about 5 feet from the ground bird flipped over and struck the ground ejecting the camera. So camera #3 is on the way.

My experiences prove to me that this is a very adictive hobby, and expensive too[emoji23]

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