This Guy is supposed to be Mr Drone Etiquette

I live on a lake that has an island with 2 resident eagles that return every year. It's tempting to fly over the nest to get "The Shot" of the eagles. BUT ... that is a definite "no-no". The FAA says no flying in Wildlife Preserves ... any pilot should understand that harassing animals is off limits. Secondly, birds are a definite hazard to drones and account for many crashed or lost drones.

Part of a pre-flight procedure is to look for any hazard to flight ... power lines, birds ... or any populated areas. Be responsible!
You did see the video where he talks about idiots with drones and his fear of what they might do? Sounds to me like he's preaching Etiquette.
Naw that is just how people are on the Internet. Everyone else is an idiot since they are doing somethijng different or they did something that didn't work out well. It's the world we live in these days.
Jim looks seriously ill,his flying days are over, the video link no longer works, I presume it has been removed, maybe this site helped take it down. He has also done some good stuff, so.......
Like others, I enjoy wildlife, I would never disturb birds or other animals, or people. I review my videos of flights, and see birds often below me, and they do not appear disturbed by me.
I have had Gulls fly close to me, they are almost mocking me, " call that flying, see if you can do this", as they majestically soar around me. I would never fly near a nesting site.
I often run in very remote moorland and there is a Gullery in the middle of nowhere, a 7 mile run in, and 7 back out again, the gulls nest here and they are very aggressive I know when to turn back, they would take a Phantom out if you went near their nesting site.
Another Moron, hope is drone is totaled.

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This is one of the reasons I always film in 4k. If I want a nice close up I can zoom in later in post. Geese are very protective of their territory, one of the reasons the Army in Europe used then as an intrusion detection system around missile bases some years back.

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