Safe Use of Drones in the UK : Consultation Document from the Department for Transport

Jan 9, 2017
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North Yorkshire
Hi All,

First post!

Not sure if this is referenced anywhere else on the forum, apologies if it is.

I have discovered this document lurking on the Department for Transport website.

This document affects leisure users as well as those obtaining PFAW!!

Any thought or comments would be gratefully received *** I am drafting my response to the paper with a view to completing it over the next couple of weeks!

I have attached a copy of the file as well


It was published on the 21st December 2016 with a deadline of 15th March 2017 for responses.

This is a great opportunity to get our thoughts and opinions across to those who will determine the future of UAV flying regulation and licensing in the UK

A bit of a long read but worth it!!!!!
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Hi Mr Pool

Many Thanks for bringing this document to the forums attention, I had not heard of it, and I bet very few OP's here in the UK have...!

My thoughts... as usual with UK proposed legislation the document appears to layout its research and conclusions in a logical and considered manner.

However I being anti-establishment in the main, and being sceptical of ALL proposed legislation designed to be for the benefit to the public, I believe it is a harbinger of the opposite, I think it will introduce (as is typical with UK law ) far more draconian measures.

Thanks to Euro meddling we already have far greater restrictions on signal transmission strengths here in the UK, than that which is allowed in the USA, and also likely over here, it will not be long before we will be subject to compulsory Drone registration. (watch this space ), the legislation will undoubtedly be couched in terms that show it as a benefit to all, protecting Joe public from the few lunatic operators who fly irresponsibly. When has legislation ever stopped the nutters from acts of stupidity, wanton or acted out in ignorance.... ?.

What it will or likely do ( in my opinion ) is restrict, inhibit or reduce participation in a great hobby/sport currently enjoyed by the majority of responsible users, the numpties will continue in blind ignorance with or without further restrictive legislation, which is what this consultative document is a cover for, yes by all means respond to the on-line questionnaire, ( the outcome of the consultation is already decided..., bet on it )

Am I cynical.... you bet your butt I am, having seen over 20 - 30 years the burgeoning market for ambulance chasing lawyers, compensation is here to stay, be prepared to dig deep it will cost you deep in the purse soon enough.


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