Recognizing outstanding members

BenDronePilot said:
Pull_Up said:
Well if it is then let me be the first to throw my hat as far away from that particular ring as I can get it. In fact I don't even own a hat.

You may not have a "hat" but I think I've seen you wearing a Fez. Dr Who fan? A Fez is a kind of hat :p

I think we all wish for some of that Time Lord technology so our Phantoms were 'Bigger on the inside'. Imagine the batteries I could fit in it then! ;P
I would throw my hat in the ring to be an admin/moderator. I would be willing to help. I say BenDronePilot should be considered too! Another helpful member.
drone-pilot said:
MadnessFPV said:
I would like to nominate myself as the most knowledgeable and outstanding member of this community. :D

Yeah... you're a ******* troll who has absolutely no clue... Is your real handle "Khaki" or are you a new strand of *******?

Yeah he's a real *******. He'll be the first one booted when we get a new moderator.
Adam should give moderators access to the incoming IP list. It'll be interesting to see how many trolls have the same source IP. :)
My guess: 3 trolls with same IP. Sometimes responding to their own posts.

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