Phantom flying on St. Pete Beach, FL causes 911 call!

Feb 24, 2015
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Treasure Island, FL
While researching drone laws for the locations of the three fields where I fly, I came across this article from April, 2014. One of the fields where I fly is in Treasure Island, which is also where I live, so I thought it would be a good idea to be knowledgeable in case the authorities show up while I'm flying. The photo clearly shows a Phantom flying for the newspaper, and allows the flyer and the complainer to express their opinions.
Sorry, thought it was St. Pete Beach when I wrote the title...
I can't tell you how much of a surprise it was to find that it was Fox doing the reporting :)
Why is that people get so up tight about a flying camera on the beach?
But don't argue about someone taking photos with a hand held camera?
You ever see anyone argue with a news crew who is filming the beach and the people on it?
Hell, when that happens, people flock to their camera and demand their photos get taken.
If you don't want to be filmed on the beach, wear a bag over your head.
A lot of people don't have a clue about our hobby. My Iphone takes better and much closer pictures and video than my quad .
One of my coworkers made a comment when he heard I was filming at the beach the other day.."I'm surprised no one called in on you" . I asked him "for what?" If I was flying over and near people and being careless then yes, but I was not. I showed him the video and he asked why I didn't zoom in closer..I told him that's as far as I can get, and you watch too much Tv.
I'm heading out to treasure Island this weekend - I plan to take my Phantom... though I also plan on getting up early before there are a lot of people on the beach... we'll see what kind of response I get.
I'm heading out to treasure Island this weekend - I plan to take my Phantom... though I also plan on getting up early before there are a lot of people on the beach... we'll see what kind of response I get.

Buckaye, I'm going by the police department to see if they've enacted any laws yet. I've looked at the Commission agendas from last April and found no reference to drones but will let you know what I find.

Lastly, welcome in advance to our beautiful city and beach. By the way, it's spring break here now so it's quite busy...
edonovanl said:
I'm heading out to treasure Island this weekend - I plan to take my Phantom... though I also plan on getting up early before there are a lot of people on the beach... we'll see what kind of response I get.

Buckaye, I'm going by the police department to see if they've enacted any laws yet. I've looked at the Commission agendas from last April and found no reference to drones but will let you know what I find.

Lastly, welcome in advance to our beautiful city and beach. By the way, it's spring break here now so it's quite busy...

Thanks - let me know what you find out ... yeah I know it's spring break - I am from orlando and we're just heading out there for a few days - paying an arm and a leg to stay at thunderbird resort :)

Just happy to get to the coast for a couple days...
Just flew a nice mission in front of the thunderbird resort... the people seemed interested but no-one seemed annoyed... one person asked if it had a go-pro on it - and then said cool:)

BY the way - the surf shop across the street sells go-pro's and all kinds of accessories... so if people can just walk around with go-pro's why can't we fly with one.

anyway... it's about 6:30 - I am going to go back out in another 45 mins to catch some of the sunset here... I am hoping people just keep curious and nothing more.

I asked the people at the front desk if they would have a problem and they said no as long as I wasn't "buzzing" people with it. Right now the beach has a lot of wide open areas to fly
Buckaye, I did ask at the Police station and there are no regulations in St. Pete Beach as long as you are flying safely, so get some good sunsets! I went out yesterday and practiced in the stiff wind - it was fun!
yeah the wind is a bit more than I am used to but it handles it well :) Thanks for checking!
yeah the wind is a bit more than I am used to but it handles it well :) Thanks for checking!
Wondering what you think about your gimbal/GoPro setup? I'm researching adding either a 3+ or 4 with the appropriate gimbal on my P2V+V2 and doing the mods to get FPV and Camera...can't decide which camera to get...

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