personal vision videos

Pull_Up said:
Well, here's something from last Friday. Flat overcast and grey day, so I just went one step further and made the whole thing grey. ;-)

(And yes, it's a preserved railway and no, it wasn't a running day!)


I like the use of the black and white. It was quite dark though, did you try raising the brightness in the edit at all ? Particuarly liked the moving shot down onto the rails.
giodood said:
This is my very first comp video of my first few flights with the Phantom 2 vision, or any flying thing for that matter. The P2V is nice but I think I can do better with my GoPro H3 so I'm returning the vision for a P2.

I enjoyed your video. Music good and some nice steady shots. There was a building that you were flying towards with a fence around it, it looked interesting but you cut before we could see it. That bunker also provided an amazing target for drone exploration. Would loved to have seen more of that. Good job though for your first try.
Shrimpfarmer said:
Pull_Up said:
Well, here's something from last Friday. Flat overcast and grey day, so I just went one step further and made the whole thing grey. ;-)

(And yes, it's a preserved railway and no, it wasn't a running day!)

I like the use of the black and white. It was quite dark though, did you try raising the brightness in the edit at all ? Particuarly liked the moving shot down onto the rails.

The original footage was dark, too, and a bit monochrome, so I just pushed it all the way to a true monochrome. I haven't messed about with any picture settings in my videos yet with the exception of this B&W filter. Still trying to get my head around basic editing, transitions, music choice, shot selection, etc. I'll work on prettying things up when I've got all that a bit better! But yes, some of the shots that I thought about when out flying did work as I'd hoped.

If I get a gimbal, and if I start to get better at editing and shot selection then I will have to update my laptop. I'm running linux, so I don't need a beast, but my 3 year old AMD Athlon P320 dual core with 2G of Ram is struggling with all this HD footage, for sure. Might have to look for something second hand as I can't justify a new computer on top of everything else! :shock: ;)

Y'all might think I'm silly, but that's okay - cuz I am a bit twisted at times :twisted:

Anyway - not being a videographer (pro or otherwise) but being more of a music guy, I'm always interested to see what music tracks you guys use with your vids. Some are pretty spectacular choices. Kudos!

I have an idea ... just for sh*ts and giggles ... how about a friendly little competition? No prizes, no awards - just fun :)

I was thinking that maybe I'd throw out 3 song choices, and you pros (and wannabes) film and edit the appropriate footage for one (or all) of them. Use your best editing/special effects tricks and have fun with it!

I was thinking of maybe:

  • Flight of the Bumblebee, by Rimsky-Korsakov
  • Lucifer, by The Alan Parsons Project
  • Thriller, by Michael Jackson

I think it could be very interesting and fun to see what you guys come up with "on demand". LOL

It's just an idea - maybe somebody will give it a shot :D
GneeChee said:

Y'all might think I'm silly, but that's okay - cuz I am a bit twisted at times :twisted:

Anyway - not being a videographer (pro or otherwise) but being more of a music guy, I'm always interested to see what music tracks you guys use with your vids. Some are pretty spectacular choices. Kudos!

I have an idea ... just for sh*ts and giggles ... how about a friendly little competition? No prizes, no awards - just fun :)

I was thinking that maybe I'd throw out 3 song choices, and you pros (and wannabes) film and edit the appropriate footage for one (or all) of them. Use your best editing/special effects tricks and have fun with it!

I was thinking of maybe:

  • Flight of the Bumblebee, by Rimsky-Korsakov
  • Lucifer, by The Alan Parsons Project
  • Thriller, by Michael Jackson

I think it could be very interesting and fun to see what you guys come up with "on demand". LOL

It's just an idea - maybe somebody will give it a shot :D

Not a bad challenge, I shall consider it.
I have seen a lot of great videos and ideas here on this tread and would like to thank everyone for sharing . It has been a very nasty January here and I can't get out to shoot. Come on spring............
Mmmm having listened to those tracks again then Flight of the bumblebee is by far the easiest. First of all its short at around 1'.20" whereas the others are over 5 mins. I also think its got the easiest structure. So if I made a video that would have to be my choice.
Shrimpfarmer said:
Mmmm having listened to those tracks again then Flight of the bumblebee is by far the easiest. First of all its short at around 1'.20" whereas the others are over 5 mins. I also think its got the easiest structure. So if I made a video that would have to be my choice.

Flight of the Bumblebee what the first song I thought of - I knew it was short and very recognizable, so I figured it would be the easiest to work with.

Thriller was just mentioned for something entirely different, and Lucifer ... well, I just love that song ... something about it puts in a very cool state of mind.

Perhaps you guys have better ideas? It's all just for fun :)
GneeChee said:
Shrimpfarmer said:
Mmmm having listened to those tracks again then Flight of the bumblebee is by far the easiest. First of all its short at around 1'.20" whereas the others are over 5 mins. I also think its got the easiest structure. So if I made a video that would have to be my choice.

Flight of the Bumblebee what the first song I thought of - I knew it was short and very recognizable, so I figured it would be the easiest to work with.

Thriller was just mentioned for something entirely different, and Lucifer ... well, I just love that song ... something about it puts in a very cool state of mind.

Perhaps you guys have better ideas? It's all just for fun :)

Well I will see if I can have a stab at the bumblebee one. At least its a target to aim at and its all good practice. Anyone else up for the challenge ? come on now don't be shy.
wildcatter said:
Last chance I had to fly. $$$

I thought that music was highly appropriate for a rural auction site.

However, I'm not sure about the outhouses in the opening scene ... :)

Nice vid, tho :)


I used to live in Minneapolis, so I'm always curious about how y'all are doing up that way.

I'm down in Oklahoma now, so maybe a tad bit warmer than you :)
GneeChee said:
wildcatter said:
Last chance I had to fly. $$$

I thought that music was highly appropriate for a rural auction site.

However, I'm not sure about the outhouses in the opening scene ... :)

Nice vid, tho :)


I used to live in Minneapolis, so I'm always curious about how y'all are doing up that way.

I'm down in Oklahoma now, so maybe a tad bit warmer than you :)
Thanks GneeChee, I know what you mean by the outhouses but the owner wanted me to start with the highway 64 sign. That was about 3 weeks after I bought the phantom vision with about 6 mph wind, still got a lot of smooth footage. It was cold as a witches tit that day and still is.....
Shrimpfarmer said:
Had a go at capturing a train on a local viaduct this afternoon. Filmed with Phantom 2 Vision.
Youtube stabilised only.


Nice video!
wildcatter said:
So where are all the high dollar dronexpert gimbal videos...........

I have come to the conclusion that a great deal of people fly these quads but very few actually make videos with them, and even less post those videos. I agree though, I expected to see a few more once the gimbals started hitting the street.
I think there's also a lot of newcomers to videography, editing, selecting music, etc, with these aircraft now. A look around YouTube reveals quite a few people out there who appear to have a lot of talent/experience in good editing and that can make the difference between a video with nice stable footage, and a video that you want to watch again because it was a brilliant video - and you probably didn't even notice how nice and stable the footage was! I know when I get my gimbal I'll be reluctant to post anything beyond the "here it is, see how stable it is" first flight video until I've put something together worth showing...
Pull_Up said:
I know when I get my gimbal I'll be reluctant to post anything beyond the "here it is, see how stable it is" first flight video until I've put something together worth showing...

Well Pull_Up you are way up the league of posters who contribute video output around here, both flight and instructional videos and its clear you take the time and trouble to edit them well.

The films don't have to be grand to be interesting. Even the simplest test flight can be made more interesting if people just observe basic editing to cut out everything thats not relevant to the subject. Add in a few shots of people, even if they are just watching the quad and immediately the interest gets raised higher. Show yourself in the picture and your making more connections with your audience. Then if you feel able, just talk about what your doing or testing and hey presto its a watchable film.

I really do urge people to share their videos with the forum regardless of their editing ability. The only videos I don't like to watch are dumps of unedited footage where your left watching the grass for a couple of minutes and then 20 minutes of hovering without the picture ever changing. If somebody has made an attempt at editing then I will watch it, and if I can help in any way then I will get pleasure out of it.
Time is the biggest enemy when it comes to making videos for me. I suppose things will get easier but personally I find the editing programs (Premier Pro in my case) very complicated to use. I have watched various video tutorials but am finding things do not stick in the brain like they used to ! I have now started to do a rough draft in Windows movie maker which is very simple and fast just to see what might work or not and then use that to draw up a storyboard (or whatever it is called) and then do it properly in PP. The only problem is that usually something crops up and I rarely finish the process. I have several half made films on the computer - in fact I have only actually managed to finish one :)
pault said:
I find the editing programs (Premier Pro in my case) very complicated to use. I have watched various video tutorials but am finding things do not stick in the brain like they used to ! I have now started to do a rough draft in Windows movie maker which is very simple and fast just to see what might work or not and then use that to draw up a storyboard (or whatever it is called) and then do it properly in PP.

I understand the situation your in. The answer though is to keep things very simple and short. To produce a high quality film all you need is to be able to cut out unwanted footage and re-arrange the order of the clips.

The next step up would be to add a music track although copyright issues sometimes makes this more trouble than its worth.

The next step up would be to add an opening title and maybe end credits.

If you look at the professionals none of them use all the flashy fades between clips because if you do it tends to scream amateur. A simple fade or a straight cut is what is used the most.

Master those key tasks within your editor and you will have all you need to make short films about your hobby. Windows Movie Maker or iMovie for Apple have everything you need to produce such a film, and of course both are free.

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