Not an FC40-A Bebop "new product" questionable specs

It seems this one (beebop) uses brushless motors, i can't figure how they plan to move the cam...they talk about 3 axis gimbal :?

As for the size i think its the future, "the kids" tend to grow up the inverse will happen with this kind of tech "toys", as happens with all technology.

I cant wait for mosquito sized drones so i can follow my kid arround :D
I had a drone 2.0. This bebop drone has the same approx. weight and size. I bought mine to see if quadcopters interest me. This didn't last 2 weeks. I saw the potential of the quads, but it was VERY clear to me this was like flying a kite. I couldn't lift it 75 feet off the ground without it being pushed ALL over the place. Even if you look at the promo video of the new parrot look at it closely. It's struggling to stay put. Even the footage the "3 axis" stabilization is shaky.

I won't go on here as it is pointless, but if you even have the slightest doubt you can even compare a Phantom and a Parrot it is clear you never flown a Parrot. I crashed the Parrot at least 50+ times, but the Phantom a total of 0 times, this is at the same location. I couldn't do figure 8's with the Parrot. The Phantom I could do until the battery dies.

Parrot is great as marketing and they are at Radio Shack and Future Shop and Best buy. Great at being exposed. I would never ever spend a dime on another Parrot quad, even if mine had zero problems.

It is seriously targeted at consumers who wants to get into the game and want to fly indoors.

Not EVER again.
If ever you want one, let me know how much you are selling your FC40, looking for a second backup quad.
Sorry it's not 3 axis gimbal but 3 axis stabilization :mrgreen: would be difficult to move the camera as it is inserted in a foam structure...

By the way just flown for the first time my FC40...too windy, and night flights so the videos are almost pitch of this days i'll post a video. I'm amazed with the stability of it! :ugeek:
They can keep that chit :p even my heavy modified AR Drone 2 with quad mod etc etc etc was rubbish in even the slightest of wind, can't see this one as an improvement at all :cry:
These were kind of the responses I expected. Esp after seeing its construction.

The camera might have potential if it lives up to it's spec. Running one on an FC40 might be good.

It does strike me as something Rat Shack would carry to sell during Christmas.
rat shack?

They sell these at Verizon.

Lets be honest. The AR series are toys and/or introductory versions to the real thing.
It's great for a kid and they are simply just capitalizing on the whole "drone" craze right now.

Good for them!

It's a good stepping stone. Learn how to mod it a bit, then when you want really stuff (look at videos of people using the gopro and gimbals), then you can spend some real money on good stuff!
True, their advestising makes them sound like advanced technogod equipment.


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