No fly zone

Feb 16, 2014
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Houston Tx.
Well, I got a P4 last Christmas replacing my P2V (RP Gimbal). The difference in video is huge of course. I have gone around and re-shot some of my more interesting videos from the P2V days. Today, I hoped to redo the final one while between calls at work. I set the P4 up and got ready to go when I got a no fly zone notice. No way around it, no take off.

2 years ago I flew this site easily and as I remember, didn't endanger any aircraft or people. Well, it turns out this site is about a mile from a regional airport. Who knew! It doesn't upset me and I guess it makes my previous video more unique. Still, it makes me wonder if a blanket NFZ determined by proximity only without taking into account terrain and structures is the best we can do. This site is to the side of the runway where I wouldn't expect to see aircraft in take off or landing patterns. Oddly, my home is in line with an airfield runway, although further away, and I can fly there.

Perhaps as time goes by we'll see refinements to the NFZ system so everyone's safe and quad pilots can have as much freedom as possible. Then again, I keep thinking they'll sync the traffic lights!

Curious since there are in reality no NFZs. And if you are a hobby flier, all the FAA requires is that you contact any airport (and tower if ther is one) within 5 miles of you location. Have you check a sectional or the FAA TFR site to see if there is something else going on?

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