My Amateur Video Got a few phone calls!

Cool beans! Why not let them use it for free? It would get your name out there for future endeavors when they finally issue permits/licenses to do this for profit.
Good job!, love the fireworks display :shock:
LuvMyTJ said:
Cool beans! Why not let them use it for free? It would get your name out there for future endeavors when they finally issue permits/licenses to do this for profit.

I recommend against licensing footage without compensation to ANY broadcast organization. Not even your local NEWS station. Short clips are licensed by the second. A reasonable rate to charge for news worthy (short) footage is $10 to $20 a second assuming an exclusive license (for total buys under 2 minutes). When you sell larger blocks you go by the minute and the price goes down a good bit. You may ask something in the range of $150 to $500/min for longer continuous clips.

If you are asked for a small clip quote $20/sec and see if they are serious. You might get a nice steak dinner out of the deal.
LuvMyTJ said:
Cool beans! Why not let them use it for free? It would get your name out there for future endeavors when they finally issue permits/licenses to do this for profit.

Oh.. I need to add that the only thing that giving stuff like this away gets you are more requests for free stuff. :(
LandYachtMedia said:
LuvMyTJ said:
Cool beans! Why not let them use it for free? It would get your name out there for future endeavors when they finally issue permits/licenses to do this for profit.

I recommend against licensing footage without compensation to ANY broadcast organization. Not even your local NEWS station. Short clips are licensed by the second. A reasonable rate to charge for news worthy (short) footage is $10 to $20 a second assuming an exclusive license (for total buys under 2 minutes). When you sell larger blocks you go by the minute and the price goes down a good bit. You may ask something in the range of $150 to $500/min for longer continuous clips.

If you are asked for a small clip quote $20/sec and see if they are serious. You might get a nice steak dinner out of the deal.

Never knew this, very interesting.
Shrimpfarmer said:
Never knew this, very interesting.

Yea, those rates may sound expensive but by selling 30 sec or so of video may have saved the station hundreds of dollars in cost not sending a crew and equipment out for a half day to cover a story. Video like what is shown in the OP is almost enough to put together a full "package" (news story). Have a few people on the ground talking into a camera about how fun the event was then add an intro and outro, pow, you have a 2min package on a local interest event. Shooting 5 min of talking head footage could be done in 30 min of a camera ops time (no reporter needed). The reporter would add their part as VO at the studio.

So for $300 in cash to the Phantom pilot and an hour of time for a junior camera op (that they are grossly underpaying by the way) the station gets a 2 min block of news time filled.

The worst thing you can do is undervalue yourself by not understanding the value of the products in the marketplace.
Great video. I just visited that park this past weekend and wished I had my phantom with me. I wanted to fly under the palm trees heading towards the stadium (you flew over them). Balls move flying with that many people around.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
LandYachtMedia said:
Shrimpfarmer said:
Never knew this, very interesting.

Yea, those rates may sound expensive but by selling 30 sec or so of video may have saved the station hundreds of dollars in cost not sending a crew and equipment out for a half day to cover a story. Video like what is shown in the OP is almost enough to put together a full "package" (news story). Have a few people on the ground talking into a camera about how fun the event was then add an intro and outro, pow, you have a 2min package on a local interest event. Shooting 5 min of talking head footage could be done in 30 min of a camera ops time (no reporter needed). The reporter would add their part as VO at the studio.

So for $300 in cash to the Phantom pilot and an hour of time for a junior camera op (that they are grossly underpaying by the way) the station gets a 2 min block of news time filled.

The worst thing you can do is undervalue yourself by not understanding the value of the products in the marketplace.

Very interesting indeed. I only said to give it away so he could avoid any FAA fines, etc. should they get interested in it. Thank you for sharing a little insight into the world of paid media. I would love to venture into this market but the way the FAA is going about things is making me hesitant.
LiLPhantom said:
dastagg said:
Cool! And at 1:38 - 1:43, I can see another Phantom flying towards top left side of the video?

Actually a 737 heading west to land at Sky Harbor 7 miles away ;) maybe 6.875 miles?

@ LandYachtMedia, Thank you for sharing your knowledge, I had no idea, interesting and now that I think about it; It takes a drive to get there, unload and set up your Phantom, cruise around and get the shots, land, re-load, cruise around again, drive home, load images, edit, and by the time you know it- its been 5 hours, I say it should be a minimum of $100 an hour, but by the second is awesome!

And now with all the new Phantom users shooting video, the media outlets will prey on the unknowing Phantom pilots to get the video. The unknowing Phantom pilot will say sure why not, thinking that they will get something in return at that point in time or in the future. Once the Media outlets have what they want, they're done with you. I know and have worked with LandYachtMedia over the years and I have seen first hand how a media team will hound you for a few seconds of video footage knowing you get nothing in return if yo do not set the terms up front.

Some think this is just a hobby, but there is real money that could be made with this kind of video platform.

SRT said:
And now with all the new Phantom users shooting video, the media outlets will prey on the unknowing Phantom pilots to get the video. The unknowing Phantom pilot will say sure why not, thinking that they will get something in return at that point in time or in the future. Once the Media outlets have what they want, they're done with you. I know and have worked with LandYachtMedia over the years and I have seen first hand how a media team will hound you for a few seconds of video footage knowing you get nothing in return if yo do not set the terms up front.

Some think this is just a hobby, but there is real money that could be made with this kind of video platform.


Yea, SRT got to see that tactic up close and in person.

How much fun would it have been to have had a flying camera when we were doing all the motorsports stuff. :cool:
LandYachtMedia said:
SRT said:
Yea, SRT got to see that tactic up close and in person.

How much fun would it have been to have had a flying camera when we were doing all the motorsports stuff. :cool:

The title would be "Quadcopters gone WILD!"

How much trouble would we have been in with this back then? At least flying over the kink wouldn't make you go agricultural :lol:
Great video, where and how did you get the great audio. I am new to editing and don't know how to find great audio like yours. Any advices would be greatly appreciated. Jim K
LiLPhantom said:
Shot this video last month and got 3 phone calls from local media wanting the hard video file for there own media purposes... I did not give it to them... What fun!

That's a few miles from me. I fly a P2V. Want to meet up and fly sometime?

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