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Would it not be advantageous to post this in the MAVIC forum instead of the Phantom forum?
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Would it not be advantageous to post this in the MAVIC forum instead of the Phantom forum?
While I'm just a Phantom owner. I enjoy posts by VicVideoplc. Vic's videos are always informative, although much more information than I can often comprehend. As I recall, he has done one or more videos involving Phantoms. One day, I just might be a Mavic owner, so if I had a vote, I would like to see his videos posted here.
While I'm just a Phantom owner. I enjoy posts by VicVideoplc. Vic's videos are always informative, although much more information than I can often comprehend. As I recall, he has done one or more videos involving Phantoms. One day, I just might be a Mavic owner, so if I had a vote, I would like to see his videos posted here.
My point is simply that the subject matter is best suited for the Mavic Forum. After all, he is referring to the Mavic 3. I am not debating the content and his ability to share important information.
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I agree that it would be better in mavics since everyone jumped ship and over there but even bein a mav member I not visit there much(no mavs in my collection yet) but do like to know and try to keep up with info that's shared here in phantoms , I know I'm lazy bugger lol, they sure are popular and over running the trusty old phantoms now days,surely makes the phantom look like a brick in comparison
My point is simply that the subject matter is best suited for the Mavic Forum. After all, he is referring to the Mavic 3. I am not debating the content and his ability to share important information.
Loosen up a bit. Don't you think Phantom owner's also want to know about new products coming out?
I do. I have the P4Pv2, and love it - but I've been waiting to see the ne Mavic 3 info as I think it may be my next upgrade. And I don't routinely hang out on the Mavic forum.
If you don't want to read the post - Don't read it....
My point is simply that the subject matter is best suited for the Mavic Forum. After all, he is referring to the Mavic 3. I am not debating the content and his ability to share important information.
Loosen up a bit. Don't you think Phantom owner's also want to know about new products coming out?
I do. I have the P4Pv2, and love it - but I've been waiting to see the ne Mavic 3 info as I think it may be my next upgrade. And I don't routinely hang out on the Mavic forum.
If you don't want to read the post - Don't read it....
It amazes me when people want a post moved. It is as if it takes up space in their bedroom or closets. Come on folks, it resides on a server. Takes up a few screen lines. In less than 10 milliseconds, you can click past it. It is not in the way of your car in the garage. sheeeesh
Would it not be advantageous to post this in the MAVIC forum instead of the Phantom forum?
I don't think I've ever met a Phantom pilot that would get miffed if any other model drone was mentioned....wait...I think I may have found one...
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I don't think I've ever met a Phantom pilot that would get miffed if any other model drone was mentioned....wait...I think I may have found one...
If you actually READ my post, I said "advantageous". I was referring to his audience. Where did you get that I was miffed? Right, I'm not nor did I say I was!
Loosen up a bit. Don't you think Phantom owner's also want to know about new products coming out?
I do. I have the P4Pv2, and love it - but I've been waiting to see the ne Mavic 3 info as I think it may be my next upgrade. And I don't routinely hang out on the Mavic forum.
If you don't want to read the post - Don't read it....
I was actually TRYING to help him reach the audience of his post, good gracious. SMH
If you actually READ my post, I said "advantageous". I was referring to his audience. Where did you get that I was miffed? Right, I'm not nor did I say I was!
You made it quite clear that you were somewhat perturbed that a Mavic post appeared in the Phantom area. Instead of squawking about your intent, you might ponder as to why everyone responding had the same impression I did. Getting defensive just makes you appear to be a stubborn knucklehead. Chill. I do get your point...
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You made it quite clear that you were somewhat perturbed that a Mavic post appeared in the Phantom area. Instead of squawking about your intent, you might ponder as to why everyone responding had the same impression I did. Getting defensive just makes you appear to be a stubborn knucklehead.
I'm not getting defensive. I'm trying to help you understand my intent. Find someone else to pester. Thanks
I'm not getting defensive. I'm trying to help you understand my intent. Find someone else to pester. Thanks
I apologize and did not mean to pester. I understand your point and was just ribbing you a bit in jest. I should not have done that and I hope we can be friends going forward. Just call me Mr. Knucklehead....o_O
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I apologize and did not mean to pester. I understand your point and was just ribbing you a bit in jest. I should not have done that and I hope we can be friends going forward. Just call me Mr. Knucklehead..
Yes of course. I just try to help. Maybe I should keep my 2 cents out of it when it comes to forum issues.
Yes of course. I just try to help. Maybe I should keep my 2 cents out of it when it comes to forum issues.
Please don't do that. Each of us are pilots with various levels of experience to share with the group. We can all learn from each other and nobody should feel that their contribution isn't of value to the group. My posts rarely hit a homerun with anybody but I manage to pick up a Like now and then. I for one honestly want to hear your thoughts, ideas and experiences because I've never met a drone pilot that I didn't learn something valuable from...and I promise not to rib ya about anything you have to say...OK?
Would it not be advantageous to post this in the MAVIC forum instead of the Phantom forum?
Is in the right section bro,chill
Chill? I have requested that my post be removed and all that have dogged me for trying to help
You've not tried to help. Look what section your in. Also
9. Public discussion about moderation or moderator decisions is not allowed. If a moderator deletes or edits one of your posts and you disagree with the action, contact the moderator concerned. Do not repost deleted material.
continue and you will beat a warning. You started it deal with it.

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