Loading, backing up and restoring waypoints

Aug 11, 2016
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My use case would benefit from creating, loading, backing up and restoring waypoint files, and to share waypoint files among several machines.

Optionally, I would like to be able to create a flight / waypoint file without having to fly the machine.

Which software should I be looking at?
Litchi will allow you to do that. You can either power up the tablet you are using on the RC or do it on a computer and save it to litchi mission then download it to the RC tablet. I routinely do this along wit hacking the maps of the are where I will be flying since there is no WI-FI in the area to get maps. Works well. An added benefit is that with the RC and aircraft turned off, there is no sense of urgency to get the mission finished, just work it through, save it and then when you are in the field. load it to the aircraft and fly the mission. Lots of good features such as continuing a mission even after loss of signal from the RC, programming the action to take after finishing a mission (I have mine set to RTH). An added benefit is that you can reply the mission later, which could be useful if you are monitoring the progress of, for example, a construction project. It is available for both Android and IOS devices.
Litchi will allow you to do that. You can either power up the tablet you are using on the RC or do it on a computer and save it to litchi mission then download it to the RC tablet. I routinely do this along wit hacking the maps of the are where I will be flying since there is no WI-FI in the area to get maps. Works well. An added benefit is that with the RC and aircraft turned off, there is no sense of urgency to get the mission finished, just work it through, save it and then when you are in the field. load it to the aircraft and fly the mission. Lots of good features such as continuing a mission even after loss of signal from the RC, programming the action to take after finishing a mission (I have mine set to RTH). An added benefit is that you can reply the mission later, which could be useful if you are monitoring the progress of, for example, a construction project. It is available for both Android and IOS devices.

Thank you. Does this capability include the equivalent of creating csv files completely offline, and then uploading to one or more aircraft? (Sounds like it does.)
Yes, once you have downloaded a map of the area where you are going to fly (or retrieved one previously cached) you can go off line. you create and store the mission in the app then upload it to the aircraft when you are at the launch site. once you tell the aircraft to begin flying the mission, it will complete it with no further input from the pilot. When creating a mission, you have a number of features in addition to creating waypoints. You set altitude, and speed between waypoints, set the action to be taken at each waypoint (take picture of a point-of-interest, start and stop video, capture a series of images for later creating a panorama, etc.). I'm having a lot of fun with it.
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Yes, once you have downloaded a map of the area where you are going to fly (or retrieved one previously cached) you can go off line. you create and store the mission in the app then upload it to the aircraft when you are at the launch site. once you tell the aircraft to begin flying the mission, it will complete it with no further input from the pilot. When creating a mission, you have a number of features in addition to creating waypoints. You set altitude, and speed between waypoints, set the action to be taken at each waypoint (take picture of a point-of-interest, start and stop video, capture a series of images for later creating a panorama, etc.). I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Can you manually intercede within execution of a flight plan - let's say I select waypoint three and want to manually fly around a bit - and then revert to the plan?
To be fair, there are other apps out there with similar features (or better depending on who you talk to!). Litchi is that one that I use so, of course, that is the one that I am most familiar with.
Don't think so. You can pause and restart a mission, but to do what you asked, you would have to switch back to "P" mode and that cancels the mission.
Don't think so. You can pause and restart a mission, but to do what you asked, you would have to switch back to "P" mode and that cancels the mission.

That actually makes sense.

Can the flight plans be entered into the csv (or whatever) file directly as numerical data, for example gps and altitude values, instead of graphically using the GUI?
Not that I know of. Dint know of any app that would work that way. I don't have any experience with them, but another app that you could look at is by Drone Deploy. Check through the forums, there has been a lot of discussion about both of these apps and some of the other folks may have idea about how to make that work.

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