I flew my P4 up on Dolly Sods wilderness area. It is the highest plateau east of the Mississippi, a little over 10 miles long. It has bogs everywhere and it has had freezes every month of the year. My uncle was camping there in 1970{ I think that was the year}on the 4th of July and it was snowing so bad, he came home early. I did my studying and I took off on private land. All legitimate. The area is called Bear Rocks. Blue berry bushes are flame red this time of year. The area is totally unpredictable. In the low lands, it was in the low 70's and up there it was low 50's. The winds were light coming from the east which is not the norm. I was blindsided by the direction. I arrived coming from the west. The convergence of the warm air to the colder air produced quite a fog up there. There were no bright red bushes glistening in the sun. LOL It was a great photo opportunity any way. I'm trying to edit a few stills, but my blurry eyes are getting to me this late after driving home.. I am not the best at editing, which is an understatement. LOL There are about a dozen things I know to do on Photo shop premiere. I have trouble deciding how much to crop. I love texture and detail, but also love to show the scope of the area. No way, I'm doing video tonight. I have a lot of material to go through. Here is a couple of photo's to give you an Idea of what I was photographing today.
Lots of people also trying to do their best to get a good photo.
Lots of people also trying to do their best to get a good photo.