I love Velcro

Apr 26, 2014
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Raymore Missouri
I was running out of velcro strips. I now have 3 Phantoms plus some other trainer quads and helis. I was getting accessories but no way to attatch them. I finally went out and was at Price Chopper for food and wondered if I could find some velcro since they sell all kinds of junk in the notions area. I found a package of a two foot strip by Singer. Yaaaaa. Today I went through all 3 Phantoms placing velcro in the places I would need for the additions.
Fatshark fpv
transmitter and camera
Drone Mods gps
Bright Led headlight
small red led voltage checker/alarms
each Phantom set up the same so accessories can be moved from quad to quad
other stuff I may get.

I know this is a boring post......but I have to read useless dribble on the forum every day.....so get over it. I still have a bunch of velcro left now......hmmmmm.....what to buy now.
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Good idea!
I know this is a boring post......but I have to read useless dribble on the forum every day.....so get over it. I still have a bunch of velcro left now......hmmmmm.....what to buy now.
More battery's maybe :)
I have nine now....did you mean more than one on the quad at a time since I have P1s.
Well I tried that with my 40 but was just suggesting . Sounds like ya got the battery stock covered :D
Love Velcro if we're confessing. Use a lot of it for my work right up there with shrink tubing and AAA, AA, 9V Alky batteries. Many things which come in handy for Phantoms, LOL...
[Q="dirkclod, post: 459314, member: 10986"]Well I tried that with my 40ting . Sounds like ya got the battery stock covered :D[/QUOTE]
If you are talking about dual batteries for longer flight time on my P1s.....not really interested in that. I think that would stress the motors and electronics too much. As of now I only do sport flying. Nine to 13 minutes seems fine. If I was to need more time for a particular mission..it might be a consideration.
[Qmonte55, post: 459325, member: 10383"][Q="dirkclod, post: 459314, member: 10986"]Well I tried that with my 40ting . Sounds like ya got the battery stock covered :D[/QUOTE]
If you are talking about dual batteries for longer flight time on my P1s.....not really interested in that. I think that would stress the motors and electronics too much. As of now I only do sport flying. Nine to 13 minutes seems fine. If I was to need more time for a particular mission..it might be a consideration.[/QUOTE]
I wouldha
If you are talking about dual batteries for longer flight time on my P1s.....not really interested in that. I think that would stress the motors and electronics too much. As of now I only do sport flying. Nine to 13 minutes seems fine. If I was to need more time for a particular mission..it might be a consideration.[/QUOTE]
Well like I said I did try it but really wasn't any help but only more trouble to deal with . You was pondering what to get next and I was just suggesting batteries . :)
I’m working out dual battery P1 config too. Got those outboard CF things but she didn’t fly quite right on stock 8” props and gain. Plus, they interfered with backpack foam storage cutout. I regret not heading the “don’t buy” comments I read here but super cheap and the velcro straps have proven handy.

So, I’m currently playing with stock battery mount plus adding one somewhere on the landing gear. There’s space behind my cheap brushless gimbal (when equipped) either on the legs close to the aircraft body or down lower sitting on rigged-up tray.

But even with less disruption of prop wash the handling and performance characteristics really changed.

It’s almost as if we’re better off using stiff P2 9” props when adding a lot of weight (Gimbal, GoPro, VideoTX, Locator, 2nd battery).

For sport flying with minimal added weight the stock props/gain seem to work best IMO.

I’m not too terribly worried about motors and ESC even with the stronger lift props and heavy payloads. As long as nothing seems hot (use IR temp meter) after hard use there’s probably nothing to be concerned about there.

9qty 2200mAh bricks, eh? Not bad, couple hundred Wh’s.

Not to get into a contest as I’ve only got 8 good bricks for the P1. But at least another 1500Wh 5Ah RC Lipo bricks for other applications.
I use velcro all the time. My phone has velcro strip of tape on the back and my car dash has the hook side of the tape. Instant and best ever phone holder. Fast secure.
What??? No pictures? :(
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Kinky thread. Since we're confessing...I like latex.
I used to be a latex salesman at Vandalay Industries.
Now I'm a marine biologist/architect.
These pretzels are making me thirsty.
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