How to Fly near airport with permission?

Aug 18, 2014
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I have a project we need to fly and it's right next to a small non commercial airport. The surrounding areas are in Restricted Zones, and Authorization Zones, I have to fly both. The airport said they will give us a large window for a day to fly it. But how do I get the drone to get off the ground when it thinks it's not allowed?
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LAANC authorization is what you need from the FAA and you'll need to research how to get DJI Unlocks:

Self Unlock


Custom Unlock

You should have been exposed to these things when you were studying for your Part 107.
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LAANC authorization is what you need from the FAA and you'll need to research how to get DJI Unlocks:

Self Unlock

Custom Unlock

You should have been exposed to these things when you were studying for your Part 107.
Unfortunately, the study material and test for the 107 don't go into the "how's" of getting permission, just the you are required to.

And they never mention the DJI part at all. Nor should they.

For many, this is a daunting task, given that people complain constantly about how it doesn't work. But if you follow the link that Al posted above DFDigital, you should be golden.

For the custom unlock, you'll need to get a LAANC request if they're LAANC active, or if not, an email from the airport with an email address. When I need to send an email along with my custom unlock, I save it as a PDF and include that in the unlock request.

Also, remember that you cannot have more than one unlock active at any one time. And, once you're done flying and have left the area, don't forget to turn it off before you try and fly again elsewhere. I've had two different people contact me in the last three days asking for help getting their drone in the air. They had just flown in an NFZ, and didn't turn if off once they left. The can't fly outside the unlock area until you turn off the unlock.

Good luck, it sounds like a fun gig.
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Go to the DJI web site got support then go to the fly safe section. There you can unlock no fly zones.
I just flew right next to this small non commercial airport recently, non towered so no LAANC.... was for real estate and I didn’t fly long or high... I did contact airport prior... it didn’t feel right and I didn’t want to freak out the planes... but 100% legal.
What does the airspace around this airport look like? A small non-commercial airport may be in Class G airspace, which shouldn’t require authorization. But perhaps you’re also in the shadow of an adjacent Class B, C, D or E airport, and that’s where your authorization needs to come from. If they have LAANC and you’re not in a no-fly zone, you should be in good shape - just submit a request. If they don’t have LAANC, you can apply for a waiver on the FAA Drone Zone site, again if it’s not a no-fly zone. If it is an FAA no-fly zone, you’re probably out of luck. But my overall point is, if your location is in controlled airspace, your first step is to get FAA authorization, not agreement from the local airport.
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