footage Derbyshire next June

Dec 24, 2014
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Good evening everyone first post, and a question: IF :mrgreen:

a group of people and their campers wanted their first meet-up on a campsite in Derbyshire (June next year) recording in a couple of fly-bys
what would it cost cash
for one of you to come out and spend and hour capturing it for posterity in a ten minute video?

Interested, PM me here or via my site
thanks and good luck with your site

As I understand from the numerous threads on the legality of doing something for reward,
certainly wouldn't want anyone incriminating themselves on a public forum!

I was hoping to find someone vaguely local to Matlock that might be filming locally (as the video's on youtube) & who could make a couple of passes over us and then include it along with the derbyshire scenery,

as I say feel free to contact me for a phone number even, over the holidays anytime...
Pay my flight over & I would do it for nothing :D :lol: (Just Kidding) Like 4WD stated, I am sure someone could do it for fuel costs. Good luck & Merry Christmas.
If this makes it any clearer I was thinking,
fly it off a neighbouring field make a couple of passes over campsite (maybe 80' high)
take in a bit of local scenery, land and go home, supply five minutes on a flash drive or similar.....

get paid

so anyway you know how to contact me,

in other news I was considering buying-using-returning a quad from Maplin but looking at their site's return policy doesn't fill me with confidence TBH

That wouldn't be a good idea anyway as you really need a few flights to feel confident with it and actually turning out half decent video is not just a matter of zooming over and downloading the results.
Plenty of time yet for a response on here and if not try again in a few weeks time.
I would do it if it was within 20 miles or so!
No, your'e quite right, and in any case I'd almost certainly damage or scuff it long before I got anywhere near proficient with it.
posting an enquiry Christmas week isn't likely to elicit much response and I wouldn't really expect much in public anyway,

We were sort of prepared for the pro-rates and presumably they are ambitious on account of the insurance consideration,
not that there's much point in getting into private/commercial use of identical machines these forums seem littered with comment on that without me restarting it :D

I would say viewtopic.php?f=20&t=31760
on this very forum as well, I wonder if insurance would cover operator collateral damage anyway :shock:


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