DroneBase Client Mission Frustrations

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To my fellow pilots who have managed to acquire some level of emotional intelligence, I ask ....... why is it that any time something doesn’t work out for someone (a certain personality type I suppose), it is quickly classified as a scam? A favorite Eagles song comes to mind, “GET OVER IT”. For those out there constantly complaining and looking for a way to be a victim, listen closely to the part about ‘finding your inner child’. It may resonate.

I am quite sure that Drone Base (and the other companies frequently complained about on these forums) haven’t given a ounce of thought to scamming you. If your participation isn’t working out for you in your location, move on and please..... get over it.
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Ken, it seems you have an issue with DB - you have not posted one iota of fact to prove anything from your bizarre rants. Since last June I've made close to $5K from DB working part time and at my convenience, this includes doing roof inspections, panos and Getty. Oh and I had a good time doing it! So yea, I'm a fool and loser for having fun!!! I hope the moderators muzzle you because your claims and rants are really irrational.
My claims are supported by Dronebase’ own statements through public and private emails. As for your irrational $5k claim, I’ve made far more than that by NOT flying for them.
Perhaps you should take your own advice before giving it? CORRECT ANSWER: A) Yes.
Ive been waiting for probably a half a year to see a client mission pop up on DroneBase, and I was finally notified about one yesterday and another today. By the time I clicked into them, someone else had already taken it. Mind you, the one today had only been up for 20 minutes and the one yesterday was only up for THREE minutes. Three.

The first come first serve setup is such a feel-bad system. You’re happy to see a good job roll through at the right place and time, but it just ends up being a teaser. Anybody else run into this?
You speak the truth Kemosabi. Don’t let the other forum troll Indians throw a tomahawk at you.
Scam? Hardly... I get "Mission Requests almost daily in my area and have done several of them over the last couple of years. The bigger problem is the Job to Pilot ratio being horribly upside down because anyone with a credit card can now be a "Commercial UAS Operator".

The whole state? Hardly.. keep in mind Client Missions are offered and accepted within minutes rather than missions hanging out there online just waiting for you to happen to check. It's a VERY quick process to say the least.
...”with a credit card can be a UAS operator” until they land in jail. It’s a short lived dream like being a fake doctor with a photoshopped license. The checks are made out to the name on the license, verifiable on the FAA website. Cashing that check would be a major third crime. I doubt the market will flood with fake pilots with that kind of risk. A crook can get far more and risk far less with an ill-gotten credit card.
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My claims are supported by Dronebase’ own statements through public and private emails. As for your irrational $5k claim, I’ve made far more than that by NOT flying for them.
The only thing irrational here are your continual rants.
Well guys after 1 mod said to chill and a Admin said to I stepped in with This thread was on life support .
Well guess what .It died .

I would like Thank the members that continued to take the staff's time after we have told you not once but 3 times
to settle down .All members that would have loved to get info on this need to Thank you also because of you
This is now...............
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